Chapter 10

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I looked back towards the pile of walker bodies before running after Rick.

"Rick!" I called after him. He didn't stop, but slowed down a little bit.

"I can't believe Shane. We need to stay here until Dale has fully recovered and we need a safe place for Lori to have the baby-"

"Lori's pregnant? And how is Dale?" I asked and he sighed.

"Hes recovering, Hershel managed to stitch up his leg and yes, Lori is pregnant, now Shane being stupid and reckless we wont have a safe place for either." He stopped in front of the house.

"I don't think its all Shane's fault. Yes he could've taken a different approach but walkers are dangerous and they needed to go. They weren't Hershel's family." I shook my head and Rick just hmmed.

"I'm gonna go talk to him. I'll see you later." He walked into the house. I looked around and for something to do, I saw Carl and Sophia sitting on the ground playing with cards.

"What you doing?" I asked and sat next to them so we formed a triangle.

"I'm bored of playing snap and Carl always cheats." Sophia pouted and crossed her arms.

"No I don't! You're just not very good at playing!" Carl exclaimed and Sophia stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well why don't you play a different game?" I asked and they looked thoughtful.

"Like what? I don't know any other games." Carl said. I took the cards from him and shuffled them.

"Do you know what blackjack is?" They shook their heads.

"Okay, I think this is the easiest card game. So, I'm the dealer and I both give you two cards, right?" I said and gave them both two cards facing down. "Now the goal is to get 21, so look at your cards but don't show them to the other person, and dont say what your numbers add up to." I said and they both looked at their cards.

"Okay, so a picture card is worth 10, and an ace can be worth either 1 or 11. So if you have a picture card, a Jack, Queen or King, and an ace, that all equals to 21." I told them and they nodded.

"But, say you got two cards like a 9 of hearts and 3 of clubs, that only equals to 12, so when the dealer asks if you want to hit or stick, you'd say hit because another card will get you closer to 21, understand so far?" I asked and they both nodded.

"If you said hit and got a picture card, you'd be busted because that equals to 22, making the other player the winner. Also, the person with less cards who is closer to 21 is the winner." I finish.

"Okay so look at your cards but don't show the other player." They did as I said.

"Okay Carl, hit or stick."

"Hit." I slapped down another card which he picked up.


"Stick." She smiled smugly, I had a good feeling I knew what her cards were.

"Carl? Hit or stick?" He looked thoughtful for a moment before deciding to hit. I handed him another card and he groaned when he turned it over.

"Busted." He said and lay his cards down. Sophia cheered and showed her cards which as I suspected, was a king and an ace, giving her a total of 21.

We played for a while, Carl and Sophia each had a turn at being the dealer until it started getting dark.

"C'mon we better head inside." I said and picked up the cards. We walked into the house where Lori was pacing.

"I need to go look for him, he's been gone for a while." She looked up as we entered and ran to hug Carl.

"Whats wrong?" I asked and sat on the sofa next to Randall, who was being glared at by Shane.

"Hershel left a while ago, Rick and Glenn went to look for him but they haven't come back yet." She said worriedly.

"I'm sure they'll be fine, they all know how to handle themselves, they might have just run out of gas or something." I reassured.

Lori smiled a little bit "I guess you're right. I can't help but worry though."

"You look tired, go to sleep and I'll stay up for when they come back. If they're not back by morning I'll go look for them myself." I suggested. She exhaled a breath and nodded, thanking me before going upstairs with Carl.

I stayed downstairs for a little while longer, having a quite conversation with Andrea when I heard the rumble of an engine.

"Thats gotta be them." She said and followed me out onto the porch.

Rick emerged from the car carrying a guy, I couldn't see his face but I was assuming it was Glenn.

"Chey, get Beth to prepare the operating table." He said and I rushed inside to where Beth and Maggie were.

"Prepare the operating table, please." I asked and they sprung up. Maggie started crying when she saw Rick through the door and Beth had to drag her away. Rick carried Glenn into the spare room with Hershel following behind.

"What happened?" I heard Shane ask worriedly.

"Damn, got too many people to look after here already." T-Dog shook his head but stopped when Andrea smacked him.

"We found Hershel in an old bar in town, we came across a few bad people who threatened us, they managed to get a hold of Glenn, we managed to take one out but one slipped our eye and shot Glenn as he got away." Rick clarified and wiped the sweat off his forehead. I could tell he was worried, him and Glenn had been through all kinds of shit.

Maggie came back in the room and stood next to Rick, tears pouring down her face.

"Daddy's doing what he can. The bullet went in but shattered, he's removing the pieces now." She told everyone. Rick pulled her into a hug as she began crying again.

Beth came into the room with blood covering her face.

"Okay. He will be fine. Daddy needs his space." She looked a little bit out of it, but no one questioned her. I sighed, this world was really taking a toll on everyone.

I began to grow tired, so I decided to head to bed. Maybe tomorrow would have something better in store.

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