Chapter 6

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I emerged from the shower, honestly it was one of the best showers I've ever had, despite the cold water.

I dried myself off before putting my underwear back on and the new clothes. I washed my old clothes in the shower with me, I tried not to let them drip everywhere as I ran through the house and outside where I hung my clothes on the washing line.

"Wow who knew you actually had black hair under all the blood and mud." I heard Maggie say.

"A miracle isn't it." I said and she laughed. Rick called us all into the house and we began our discussion.

"Okay, so when we were on our run today, the shops were a set up. We were jumped and they wanted to take Chey and kill us but she saved us." Rick said and looked at me as did everyone else. I smiled as he continued.
"As the people were... dealt with-"

"Did you kill them?" Carl asked. Rick looked torn between lying or telling the truth.

"I did, Carl." I said and he looked to me.

"Yay you go Chey!" He cheered and I laughed.

"Anyway... for some reason, we, Chey brought a guy back with us, he's in the stables, tied up, he won't be escaping. We'll question him tomorrow then decide what to do." Rick finished his little speech.

"You can't kill him." Dale said.

"We never said that Dale. I don't think he's dangerous, he looked pretty terrified after I just murdered his friends." I said. He looked horrified but hey that's the truth.

"You what?" He sputtered, as if he didn't believe me.

I noticed Lori shimmying Carl and Sophia out of the room as I continued.

"They had guns pointed to Rick and Glenn, would you rather me let them live, take me, kill Rick and Glenn, or save me, Rick and Glenn and killed them?" I asked and he stayed silent. I didn't mean to snap, Dale just needed to know what this world is now.

"Sorry I just-"

"No it's fine, you're right." He said before walking out of the room. I sighed and ran and hand through my clean hair.

"I'm going to bed." I announced and luckily no one stopped me.

I woke up early that morning. I pulled Beth's clothes on and my boots before grabbing my pistol and walking out the house. The sun was just rising, must be around 6am, no one was up yet.

I slid the stable door open, Sol nickered when she saw me, maybe I would ride her today. I kissed her on the nose before entering the stall the guy was in. He was still unconcious. I pulled out a chair from the tack room and waited for him to wake up.

Around 10 minutes later, by guess, he started to groan before opening his eyes.

"Have a nice sleep?" I asked which startled him. He looked scared and tried to cower into the wall.

"It-it wasn't me I swear! They made me do it! I'm not like that! I tried to leave but they beat me! Please don't kill me!" He said and I sighed.

"I'm not going to kill you. I just wanna ask you some questions." I said and he relaxed a little and nodded.

"How many more were in your group?"

"A-around 30 maybe? People always coming and dying all the time. Don't really count them."

"What would they do?"

"Act real nice, take in groups, if people don't agree with them they kill them. Use the women for their own satisfaction. I-i wasn't like that though. I tried to leave once but they caught me and beat me up. When you killed some of their group, they'll probably be looking for you. You gotta kill them or they'll kill you and take your women." He said and shuddered in disgust.

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