Chapter 24

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The Governor was feeling troubled as he sat down with Milton at breakfast.

"Whats on your mind?" Milton asked as he sensed Phillip's unusual quietness and frown on his face.

"That girl, Char, whatever it is. She's going to tear this town apart. I'm not sure if I should kick her out, or keep her and let her discover everything, she's too curious." He said and played with his food. Milton sighed, he knew exactly what the Governor was like, it was because of his daughter, he was in pain.

"Maybe give her some more time, maybe assign someone to watch over her at all times-"

"She'll pick it up easily, she's smart, she can see it." Phillip sighed and pushed his plate away. A pair of hands suddenly landed on his shoulders, he tensed before he saw the blonde hair drooping over his arm.

"Good morning." Andrea whispered in his ear. Milton left the scene, suddenly feeling like an intruder.

Phillip smiled, one good thing that has come from that C girl was Andrea. After his wife passed away Phillip thought he would never love again, but Andrea made him feel different.

"Good morning my love." He said and kissed her on the cheek. Andrea sat down next to him and held his hand.

"Whats happening today." She asked.

"Its just training day, but later tonight we have a show, how about you come along with me?" He asked and Andrea smiled.

"Like a date?" She blushed.

"If you want it to be then yes, a date." He smiled and kissed her.

Andrea smiled and had her own breakfast and then went to join training that was being held by a guy called Martinez and some others.

"Okay guys! Today we'll be doing target practice. You all know how important it is to hit the walkers in the head. Its even harder when they are moving." He said and aimed at a wooden target.

"You want you eye to line up with the end of the barrel and.." he shot the target in the head.

"Alright lets get to work!" Another man said. People lined up and started shooting at the targets. They all got a maximum of 3 shots each, those who got 3 headshots more or less would move onto real walkers.

It was Andrea's turn and she tried to remember all Shane had taught her. She lined up her eye and shot. The bullet zoomed forward and hit the targer around the nose area. She aimed two more times, getting 3 headshots.

"Well done Andrea, you're a good shot." Martinez complimented her. Andrea thanked him and waited for everyone else to finish.

"Okay, those who got 3 headshots come with me, the others stay here." Martinez said and took the small group round the back to some metal fences. He opened the gate and let everyone through.

"So for everyone's safety we have taken the teeth and arms off these walkers." He said and called the first person up. He opened the gate and a walker stumbled out.

The guy aimed but the walker swayed to the other side, his bullet missing completely.

The next shot was somewhere around the neck and finally the last shot hit the walkers head. It fell to the ground.

"That was good Mark, you just need to follow the walkers movements to avoid shots like the first." Martinez said and Mark was dismissed.

Andrea was up next, the walker came at her and she shot, the walker falling straight away.

"Wow well done." Martinez was surprised. Andrea smiled and headed back to The Governor.

She found him in his room examining one of his guns. He looked up when Andrea walked in and smiled.

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