Chapter 25

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I walked quickly away from the place, I wanted to be as far away from Woodbury as I could before sundown.

I had been walking for a few hours but it felt like I hadn't got any further. I was still surrounded by trees and forest. I had hoped to come by a town or something, anything with food as I was hungry and thirsty.

The forest started thinning out and in the distance I could just make out a small house. I began jogging and soon the small house was just in front of me. It was a small village with other little houses. I walked up to the house and stood by the open door.

I whistled and waited, when I didn't hear anything I walked inside. I held my gun at the ready just in case.

The house was abandoned, everything was covered in dust which made the air smell musky. I searched around for a while, I had found a backpack which would be useful and filled it with food I found. I zipped it up after replenishing my hunger and thirst and was about to leave when I heard cars.

I crouched down by the dirty window and noticed they were from Woodbury, the cars that had the bullet holes in.

Shit, I had to leave, or hide. I silently jumped up the stairs as I heard people getting out of the cars. I slid under the bed just as I heard them entering the house I was in.

"What does The Governor even want with this girl?" I recognised Martinez's voice.

"I don't know and I don't care, we should just find her so we can get our reward." Another man said.


"So what you don't care what he'll do to her? By the sounds of it its not going to be pleasant." Martinez said. I heard a small thump.

"Look, if you're so concerned why don't you tell that to The Governor? I'm sure he'd love to hear all about it." The other guy said. I heard a gasp of breath before someone started coming up the stairs.

I couldn't stay here, they'd find me. I remember a little window on the other side of the room. I crawled out from under the bed and stopped when I saw the shadow of a man. I stayed still for what seemed like forever until he finally went into the room next to where I was.

I let out a small breath and silently crawled to the other side of the room. The window was already halfway open but not enough for me to fit through. I slid it up more, it creaked a little. I heard the guy in the next room leaving, he would come in here next.

I rammed the window open and climbed onto the roof. I was only about 6 feet off the ground, I jumped and sprinted into the forest.

"Hey! I see her!" The man shouted. I kept running, I could hear them behind me. The car engine rumbled and the chase continued.

I looked behind and couldn't see them yet, they were still far behind. I made a decision to climb a tree, if it worked they would keep running and miss me completely.

The bark scratched my hands but soon I was high up in the leaves. I could barely see out so hopefully they wouldn't see me.

My plan worked, they went straight past me and kept going forwards, the car was a little far behind but was catching up. I waited until they were out of sight before I climbed back down again. I made sure no one was around the tree and jumped down.

A stick cracked in the distance, I looked out and saw a walker approaching. I readied my knife but the walker fell dead before I even got there.

"You may have outsmarted them but not me." The man came around the tree with his gun pointed at me. I stood still and watched as he approached. His eyes kept flicking down to my legs, he was planning to shoot me there so I couldn't run.

"What you gonna do? Take me back to Woodbury? That man is a psycho, you must be blind if you cant see it?" I laughed. The mans face turned to fury as I insulted his leader.

"Shut up bitch! He's gonna have a mighty fine time with you." He said and licked his lips.

"Why would you let him have a mighty fine time when its just you and me here now." I asked seductively and took a small step forward. As suspected, like with Shane, his guard came down for a second which allowed me to grab his gun. He snapped back as I pushed his gun to the side, a little 'ping' sounding from the silencer.

I went to kick him in the gut but his hand grabbed my leg. His other leg hooked around my ankle which brought me to the ground.

I kept my head up as I landed on my back, the man straddled me and tried to punch me but I just about dodged. I saw a knife in his pocket and got hold of it. He grabbed my hand and brought the knife down which cut deep into my leg.

I nutted his nose with my head which made him scrunch up his eyes in pain and landed a solid punch to his jaw which got him off me. I grabbed his gun quickly which was laying on the ground and aimed it at him as I stood up.

"I'm going to kill you!" He yelled and started getting up. I stayed where he was with the gun aimed at him. I could feel warm blood trickling down my leg as it started to hurt.

The man looked straight past me and his eyes lit up.

"Martinez I've got her! Help me out man." He pleaded. I heard the click of a gun behind me. The shot fired and I braced myself for the pain. But it didn't happen.

The man in front of me looked down and thats when I noticed blood seeping through his shirt where his heart was. He looked at me directly before he fell on the ground and stopped breathing completely.

Martinez walked round the side of me and over to the man. He crouched down and stabbed him in the skull so he wouldn't turn. He then stood up and looked at me.

"You should go, they would've heard the shot and be making their way over here. Theres a prison a few miles that way, I believe your friends are there." He told me.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked and holstered my gun. He shrugged with a small smile.

"Its the right thing to do. Go, now." He said just as I heard the others shouting in the distance. I nodded at him and ran, well as best as I could with my leaking leg.

I stopped a little while away as I was becoming light headed, I knew it was the blood loss. Black dots impeded my vision as I ripped some material off my shirt. I used it as a tourniquet around my leg until I got to the prison. I took it slowly until my vision was clear again.

"I hope Martinez isn't lying to me." I thought aloud as I continued walking.

"But why would he help me?" I asked myself. I saw a high mesh fence in the distance with towers and started jogging. My leg was killing but I had to get there.

I stopped at the edge of the forest and looked through my scope, I could see Rick at the fence line doing something. I smiled and walked forward but stopped when dizziness took over. Just a little bit, I can do this. I limped forward and held onto the fence for support, some walkers had noticed me and were coming my way.

"Rick!" I shouted and he turned around. He looked at me strangely before walking over.

"Chey? No it cant be..." he trailed off and stood looking at me.

"Rick its me. Please let me inside." I begged as the walkers came closer. I grabbed the silenced gun and started shooting those closest to me. I noticed Carl standing at the gate with his gun pointed at the walkers.

A walker came too close, my eyeswere blurry and the bullet sailed right past it. My hand shook as i aimed again, the walker fell dead from a bullet which wasnt from me.

I aimed at the next walker, I started to sway. Black dots covered my vision before I passed out completely.

The last thing I heard was Rick shouting, then I lost all consciousness.


Thoughts on Martinez? I liked him in the TV series and I like him in this chapter lol.

Votes and comments make me happy 👍

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