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It was perfect, the plan fell into place upon examining the prison, the walls, the space, the facilities. His group needed this place, by discussion or force, it would be theirs.

They were all so happy with their lives, they were all oblivious to what was outside those walls, they didn't have to experience the traumas, the horror, the loss.

This wasn't a joke, and they all acted as if they were on a jolly vacation. Riding ponies, farming, other easy activities that shouldn't be enjoyed at this time.

"Their joy will end soon. They think its over, its never over."

One of them, Chey in particular was going to pay for everything she did, she didn't deserve to live.

"Oh don't worry, your time will be soon." He said and turned away from the prison, he adjusted his eyepatch before sauntering back to his car.

The Governor, he was back, and worse than ever. Nothing would get in his way this time, he was going to get her, and kill her, Chey, and anyone who got in his way.


Aaaaaand thats the end. Happy new year guys, what are your resolutions? Mine are to ride my horses more lololol

I will take a little break before starting the new book, but I qill post an update on here before I publish the sequel

Thank you all so much for reading ☺☺☺

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