Chapter 26

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Voices, bright lights, an annoying buzzing sound. It was making my head pound. I scrunched up my eyes and mumbled some incoherent words.

"She's awake." Was that Maggie. I slowly opened my eyes, not wanting to be blinded by the light, the buzzing faded away as all my senses came back. I looked up and saw Maggie looking over me smiling.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"I don't know the polite word for it." Wow I sounded like a 50 year old chain smoker. I cleared my throat and sat up on the little bed I was on. I looked around the place, there were cells everywhere but more importantly everyone was here.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, faintly remembering the events of how I got here.

"No long, a day at most." Rick said, I snapped my eyes to where he walking up to us. He offered me a hand which I took and stood up.

He was just kind of looking at me, as if I wasn't real. I was about to comment when he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're alive. I had my doubts." He admitted and pulled back to look at me.

"We all did." I turned to look at Maggie who hung her head as if she was shameful.

"Hey, don't feel bad. We all know what can happen in this world." I shrugged half heartedly. I guess from the way Shane saw it, there was little to no hope for me.

"How did you find us?" I looked towards Beth who had moved forward. I now just noticed she was holding a baby.

I looked towards Rick who was looking down, avoiding my gaze. I gulped, that cant be good. I also noticed T-Dog and Randall were missing.

"Its a long story." I started.

"Well its getting late, Carol and Sophia are preparing dinner. Perhaps you could tell us then." Hershel suggested, everyone nodded in agreement.

We all made our way to wherever they ate, I caught up with everyone, Glenn was doing great, he wouldn't stop thanking me, Shane was glad I was here, so was everyone else.

I finally felt like I was home again.


"Where should I start from?" I asked as we all sat down to dinner.

"The night at the school." Shane said from besides me.

"Well... when I gave Shane my bag I just sorta let the herd surround me, I honestly have no idea how I got out, I just... ran. I hid under a car and killed the walkers closest before I passed out. It must've been a few days later when I woke up, I found the schools cafeteria and took some food before making it back to the farm. When I got there the barn was on fire, I just missed Daryl's bike leaving. I got to the stables and Sol was still there, we just escaped before the walkers crowded the stable." I continued on about how I found Andrea, and how we spent a few months together before finding the helicopter crash. They were all happy Andrea was still alive.

"You'll never guess who found us." I said, they all looked confused for a bit, trying to think of who it could be.

"Morales?" Carol asked. I shook my head, I assumed he was part of their old group.

"Those women from the camp?" Maggie asked and I shook my head still.

"I dont know, who else?" Shane asked sounding confused.

"Merle." Daryl snapped his eyes to look at me.

"What." Rick and Daryl both said at the same time.

"We got took to this place called Woodbury, a safe town, big walls, guns, run by a man who calls himself The Governor. He was super funny though, and I don't mean the ha ha type either. I saw straight through him, but Andrea got stuck under his trance. I snuck into his office one day, he had fish tanks full of heads, and... and his daughter who had turned, she was kept in a little cage with a bag over her head. I killed her and then I ran. I got out of that place, but apparently I was being hunted, one of the guys found me we had a fight then I got away with help from another one of his men." I finished my story, even I was a little bit mind blown from all the events that had happened.

"Does he still hate us. Merle I mean." Glenn asked a bit worriedly.

"He... yeah he's mad." I thought it was best to tell the truth. Glenn let out a few curses. Daryl stood up suddenly grabbing his crossbow.

"I'm going to get him." He started walking off.

"Wait! You can't just wander in there you'll die! There's guards everywhere, there aren't any subtle places to sneak in. We need a plan." I stopped him from going further. His back was to us, I could tell he was having an internal battle. He eventually turned around.

"She's right." Carol muttered.

"What d'ya suggest?" He asked gruffly.

"I'll draw a map, I can get us in but only a few, a big group will more likely get caught."

The table was cleared of the dishes and a big piece of paper was put in place. Rick handed me a pen and I began a very simple drawing of the town.

"We'll have to climb over the fence, luckily there are buildings each side we can hide behind, one will have to distract the guards, I'm not sure how, or if it'll work, but we gotta try." I said and pointed to my drawing of the gates.

"Merle's house used to be this one, or thats the one he was always going in and out of. We'll get him, Daryl can leave with him while me and Rick go for Andrea. Daryl, you and Merle wait behind the gates, if we're not back after a while just go, we'll get out."

I looked at Daryl who was staring at the map.

"Alright, its settled. We leave tomorrow evening." Rick said.

"Chey, I know you're trying to help but I dont think this is a very good idea with your leg. I only stitched it up yesterday." Hershel said. I looked down at my leg and saw a rip in my jeans and a bandage around my thigh.

"I'll go instead." Shane volunteered.

"I appreciate it, but you guys don't know this place or the Governor, if you're not careful he will get you and he will kill you." I said seriously.

"What if you just showed us the way, you could distract the guards while me, Daryl and Shane got in. We get Merle and bring him to you and you guys can wait while we get Andrea." Rick said. I was about to protest but Shane put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thats a better plan, you'll still be helping us." He said. I looked down but agreed anyway.

We were leaving tomorrow and hopefully getting Andrea and Merle.



i hope y'all have a good day and get lots of presents😜

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