Chapter 22

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My head was pounding and I couldn't see anything.

"Where am I?" I thought to myself and held my hurting head. Suddenly, the lights switched on and I had to shield my eyes from being blinded.

"You're at Woodbury my dear." Ugh, it was that man from before.

"What? Is that a place?" I asked and unshielded my eyes. I was in some sort of room on a bed. I looked towards the door and saw.. what's his name stood there.

Murphy? I couldn't remember.

"Its a safe town. Nothing gets in, and no one gets out." He said stressing the 'no one'.

"What if I wanted to leave." I asked and sat up on the bed.

"Then that's basically your death." He shrugged.

"C'mon, The Governor wishes to speak with you." He said and walked out. Assuming I was supposed to follow him, I did.

We walked through the little house thing until we came to a kitchen. Andrea was sat there laughing with a brown haired man.

"Ah its the little firecracker, have a seat." He said noticing me and pointing to an empty space next to Andrea. I felt uneasy in his presence, there was something... off about him. I sat next to Andrea and gave her a wary look which she completely ignored.

"Isn't this place nice Chey? Now we dont have to worry about getting eaten in the middle of the night." She giggled as if getting your face ripped off was a funny thing.

"I'd like my weapons back please, I want to leave." I said and looked at him.

"Oh come Chey, we're safe here." Andrea said. I just looked at her like she had 3 heads.

"So thats the name of the stubborn bitch who refused to cooperate." Murphy guy said.

"Alright enough Merle." The brown haired man said. He then looked at me "sorry about the attitude Chey, he has to be tough or he wouldn't be my second in command. And your friend here is right, you'll be safe here. I do believe I've been very rude and haven't introduced myself. You can call me The Governor." He smiled sweetly and put his hand out for me to shake. I stared at it for a few seconds before cautiously shaking his hand.

"I'm sorry this has to be cut short but I have somewhere to be. Feel free to look around, Merle will help you find anything." The Governor says and stands up hastily. He makes his way out the house as the door slams lightly behind him.

Andrea looked down at her lap, the atmosphere suddenly becoming awkward.

"What've ya been doin' since we last saw, sugartits?" Merle asked, directing the question towards Andrea.

Sugartits? What the fuck.

"Surviving, I guess." She shrugged, she seemed uneasy in his presence.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked after examining his metal stump for a bit.

He began laughing "I'm sure Andrea will share that story with ya."

"Thats not fair Merle. It wasn't my fault." She sighed and looked down.

"You could've stopped him sweetheart." He shrugged.

"Yeah well I'm glad I didn't because you would've killed T-Dog." She glared back at him.

"That sumbitch deserved it."

"Well they went back for you and you weren't there. Who's fault is that?" She asked, Merle went quiet.

"Who went back?"

"Rick, Daryl and Glenn. All they found was your hand." She shrugged.

"My baby brother. Where is he now?"

This was Daryl's brother? I had to let everything sink in, my brain was becoming overloaded.

"I don't know. I tried to save him after the farm got overrun but he didn't need saving obviously." Andrea spoke, her voice dropped and she looked down. She missed the group, I could tell.

"Thats where Chey came in and saved me." She said and smiled at me, I smiled back.

"I wanna find my brother, find that fuckin' sheriff, he's gonna pay for what he did to my hand." He growled. The door behind us opened and The Governor walked in.

"Hi girls, I just thought you'd like a tour if the town. This is Laura, she will show you around." He said and pointed to a lady next to him. I looked at Andrea and she shrugged. I followed the lady out as she took us round the town.

I heard the big gates creaking open and saw the Governor and Merle get in a car and driving off.

"Lets have a look around shall we?" The woman smiled. I looked back and saw the gates closing again. I followed the lady for this tour.


After aimlessly walking around the boring town for an hour or two Laura finally let us go.

"Well that was useless." I complained and sat down in the kitchen.

"Do you not like it here?" Andrea asked and poured us some drinks.

"I mean... its okay, that man gives me an uneasy feeling, I just wish I could be back with the old group." I said and sipped my drink.

"Listen Chey, I think its time we move on. The other group is probably dead, I hate to admit it. We could build a whole new life here!" She stated happily, I just stared at her.

"Have you lost your mind? You know damn well that group is still alive, Rick would never put any of them at risk. What's gotten into you?" I asked and stared at her. She was about to reply when the door opened.

Thats when I saw it. The Governor walked in the kitchen and Andrea couldn't take her eyes of him. My lord, please don't tell me this girl has been blinded by his good looks and charisma.

"How was your tour?" He asked looking at Andrea and smiling his pearly whites. Andrea blushed a little and smiled back.

"It was good. You have a great place here, you should be proud." She moved closer to him.

"I'm just going to the toilet." I said and quickly walked out of the kitchen. Once I was outside I leant against the wall and took a deep breath. Andrea had lost her mind!

I pushed off the wall and went over to the gate. There was one person on guard.

"Do you let people out?" I asked her.

She shook her head "not without The Governor's permission. And if you really wanted to leave you cant come back." She shrugged and I nodded. I walked around for a while, I passed the cars The Governor and his men went out in before, there were bullet holes all in the side of the car.

I heard Merle's voice in the distance and quickly spaced myself from the cars.

What were those bullet holes from?

It was getting dark, I decided to go in and do more investigating tomorrow.

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