Chapter 4

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The next morning I was down at the stables with Sol. I wanted to take her on a ride through the forest today. I'd made up my mind and I thought staying here wouldn't be such a bad idea. I hadn't told Rick or Hershel yet, but I would later.

"You taking her on a ride?" I jumped when I heard a voice. I turned to see Maggie stood by a chestnut horse's stable.

"Yeah I was just going to take her into the forest, look around." I said and Maggie nodded.

"I'll come with you if ya like? Show you some nice places?" She asked and I nodded.

"That'd be nice." I smiled as she started to tack up her horse. She grabbed a big western saddle and slung it over the horses back.

"This is Nelly, my daddy's favourite." She said and stroked the horses nose. I smiled, she was cute. I led Sol out of the barn and mounted her. I'd still never get used to her 16.2hh height which made it incredibly difficult for someone of 5'6" to mount from the ground.

I heard Maggie laughing at me as she mounted Nelly easily.

"No fair! You're like 5'8" riding a horse barely above 15 hands." I pouted.

"Oh well, lets go tell daddy we're going out." She said and rode Nelly towards the house with me following. Hershel was outside talking to Beth.

"Daddy! Me and Chey are going for a ride in the forest." She said.

"Okay but just be careful you two." He said sternly and we nodded before setting off.

"Its really peaceful out here. We don't get any walkers wandering around. Maybe it's a blessing." Maggie sighed, I had to agree, the scenery was completely gorgeous.

"Daddy thinks they're sick y'know. Thinks they'll get better with time. But I know that aint true. I used to believe it, but when me and Glenn went on a run one attacked me, I then realised how dangerous they are. I tried to change daddy's view on them, but he sticks with what he believes." She said and looked at me. I was going to reply when a twig snapping in the distance caught my attention.

"What was that?" I asked and readied my gun. I nudged Sol forward but she backed up instead. I dismounted and gave her reins to Maggie. I quietly made my way around the thicket of bushes, I stopped and listened, I heard a small whimper. I circled a big tree, there was a little girl stood by it.

"Hey." My voice made her jump, she fell backwards but caught her in time. "Are you lost? Where are you from?" I asked her.

"I'm- I'm looking for my group. I got separated from them on the highway." She said with a trembling lip.

"Okay well how about you come back with us and we'll look for your group tomorrow?" I asked and she nodded slightly. I led her back over to where Maggie and the horses were.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"I'm Sophia." As she said that Maggie's face instantly brightened.

"Sophia! Carol's daughter? C'mon we need to get you back there. They've been looking for you for ages!" She said and rode forward. I helped get Sophia on the back of Nelly as I mounted Sol and we rode back to the farm at a canter.

When we came close we slowed to a trot and headed to the group. Daryl was kitting up again, maybe to go hunting, but I didn't see why as we had plenty of food.

"Why can't you accept the fact she's gone man." Shane walked up to him. Daryl ignored him but I could tell by the way he clenched his jaw it pissed him off.

Maggie stopped Nelly and helped Sophia off the horse. Rick spotted us, his eyes went wide as he ran past a fighting Shane and Daryl and hugged the little girl, who hugged him back.

"I never thought I'd see you again." He said and wiped away the stray tears on her cheeks. He stood up and she held his hand as they walked over to the group.

"Sophia! My baby!" The woman with short grey hair, I assumed was Carol, shouted and ran to her. Rick let go of the girl as she collided with her mother into a hug. Everyone bagan to gather around, Daryl gave Shane a look, who shook his head as Daryl ran over to the big group hug which was happening.

I smiled and turned Sol away, grabbing Nelly on my way past as Maggie had left her.

I don't know why, I suddenly had the urge to cry but I fought it. Seeing all that mushy family shit just hit me. I dismounted Sol and led her into her stall as I did with Nelly and untacked them both before heading back over.

Everyone was still hugging, Carol looked up and when she saw me she ran over and hugged me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for finding my baby!" She sobbed and I awkwardly patted her back. I'd never received this amount of of attention before. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was Rick, he was smiling and even had a few tears himself.

"You've done good Chey. We've been looking for that girl for weeks and you found her in the first few days you've been here. Please stay with us." He asked. I looked around, maybe this is where I belonged, maybe this would be my new family.

"I don't plan on leaving, if that's okay with everyone." I said and smiled at Rick.

"Fine by me." Maggie and Beth said in sync. Others nodded in agreement, this would now be my home.


Ahhhh so I decided to save Sophia unlike the tv show. Ah well, everyone is happy now (:

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