Chapter 20

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I woke up to Andrea shaking me awake.

"Ugh. What time is it." I groaned and covered my eyes from the sun.

"Maybe 10am? Not too sure. We should get going though, I'm not sure how long they'll wait." She said and grabbed her things. I clipped Sol onto the leadrope and followed Andrea.

"How far away is the highway?" I asked.

"Not that far. We lost Sophia on the highway and you found her in the forest." Andrea shrugged, I nodded and kept in following her.

"How's Glenn? Did Shane get the stuff to you in time?"

"Last I saw he was okay." She said in a slightly bitter tone. I wonder why. I didn't press the matter.

As we walked I bent down to grab handfuls of grass for Sol, as she couldn't exactly eat on the move.

"I should tie a bucket to your head filled with grass shouldn't I?" I giggled and stroked her head.

"You sure have a weird relationship with your horse." Andrea laughed.

We walked for around another hour until we came to the highway.

"If they're here they'll be by where we left stuff for Sophia." Andrea said and climed over the railing. I followed as well as Sol over exaggerated her legs to not touch the metal.

The only sound that could be heard was Sol's gentle hooves hitting the road. We passed many empty cars along the way, there were some walkers in them, poor souls.

"Its just up here." Andrea said sounding hopeful. She began to walk faster but stopped when she came to a silver car.

"What? No, they can't have left." She looked at the car in disbelief. There was some sort of faded writing on the windshield.

"How do you know they've gone?" I asked and stood next to her.

"They... the food. They took it." She picked up an empty bottle.

"How do you know it was them? It could've been any other stranger." I said.

"Will you just... sorry. I know it was them, please just trust me." She rubbed her head and sighed. I let it go and went to look around. There were some dead walkers, they looked fresh, blood was still pooling from their wounds.

"They cant have been too long, but if they're in cars we'll never catch them." I sighed and Andrea examined the bodies.

"Well atleast he left us something." She pulled a small hand gun from the dead body.

"Ammo?" I asked and she checked the cylinder.

"Full." I smiled. We left the scene and carried on walking. We decided to take the track through the woods to avoid walkers.

"So what did I miss back at the farm?" I asked a little while later.

"Not much. Glenn is recovering but Dale... he... he got attacked by a walker." She sighed and looked down.

"And then Beth ran off and Daryl went looking for her, and after that the farm got swarmed." She finished.

"Oh, sorry." I awkwardly said, we didn't talk much after that.

It was getting close to sundown and we still hadn't found a place to rest up, not to mention I was hungry also.

"Can we rest up for a bit?" Andrea said and stopped behind me.

"Yeah, we may as well set up camp for the night before it gets dark." I suggested and Andrea nodded.

"Here, you stay here and start making a fire, I'll see if I can find anything to eat." I said and she nodded. I fished out a chocolate bar from my pocket for her to eat in the mean time.

I ventured into the forest, leaving Sol behind so she could graze and went to look for food myself.

I had a little bit of light from the setting sun which helped, there wasn't a lot around, just trees upon trees.

Something thumped onto the ground, I span around quickly with my knife ready, I relaxed when I didn't see anything. Walking forward to investigate, I stood on something uneven. I looked down and saw it was an apple. I picked it up and examined it.

I looked up and saw I was directly under an apple tree. I grabbed the sniper off my back and whacked one of the branches with it. Some apples fell onto the ground. I did it again until I had a large pile of apples sitting in my arms.

I made my way back to our temporary camp and gently dropped the apples on the floor. Andrea looked up and smiled at what she saw.

"I never really liked apples, but I could do with one now." She grabbed an apple and bit into it. I grabbed my own apple too and wiped ot off with my sleeve before eating it.

It was crunchy and sweet, just how I liked them.

I wandered over to Sol and offered her my apple core, which she took generously. I was petting her head when she put her ears up and stood alert, she often did this when walkers were close.

"Stay down." I whispered to Andrea and and kicked dirt over the fire to put it out. I grabbed my knife and held it in front of me just in case.

A walker started stumbling towards us, I crept up silently and ended its groaning. I heard a loud thump and saw Andrea had killed a walker too.

She looked at me with pride and didn't notice another walker quickly gaining on her. I pointed and she looked just in time as the walker came down on top of her.

I ran over quickly and stabbed my knife in its skull.

"Thanks." She whispered and I nodded.

I looked in the distance and saw more walkers coming, we wouldn't be able to fight them with just knives.

"We should get in the trees." I suggested and Andrea agreed.

I turned around to Sol, I could see her standing close but in the shadows.

"Go." I said and made a movement with my hands. She obeyed and silently trotted away. I watched her go, not needing to worry as I knew she would always be close.

I followed Andrea and climed up a large tree with many branches and leaves. I sat down in a 'v' shaped branch and rested my head against the wood.

The herd was slowly approaching, my eyes were growing heavier, I tried to stay awake in case anything happened, but my body shut down and I was swarmed by darkness.

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