Chapter 16

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When Daryl and Beth returned to the farm all was quiet, it was unsettling. Beth managed to convince Daryl she was okay to walk herself from this point.

"Where is everyone?" Beth asked and unconsciously scooted closer to Daryl's side.

"Dunno. Stay close." Daryl muttered and held his crossbow in front. They walked through the field, past the barn and the stables towards the house.

A single gunshot rang through the air, making them both stop in their tracks.

"Go to the house and don't come out until someone gets you." Darly said. Beth wanted to protest but he looked at her sternly. She nodded and ran into the empty house.

Daryl silently jogged over to where the shot was heard, behind the barn near the forest. It was dark and he was having to rely on the moonlight itself to giude him.

He overcame a hill, expecting the worst. But what he saw was his group crowding around something.

"You're back." Rick said relieved once he noticed Daryl. Everyone looked up, they all looked sad.

"Whats goin' on?" Daryl asked. Andrea started sobbing and ran off towards the house. The others followed until it was just Rick and Daryl left. Daryl could now clearly see what everyone was crowding around.

"We couldn't do any more." Rick said as Daryl stared at Dale's body. His intestines were pooling onto the grass in a puddle of blood.

Daryl grunted and turned away from the site, with Rick following.

"Did you find Beth?" He asked. Daryl mhmed in response.

They rounded the barn when another walker stumbled out in front of them. Daryl quickly shot it and retrieved his arrow.

"Thats 3 I've seen round here today." Rick trailed off and looked at Daryl. Daryl was going to comment when they were cut off by screams coming from the house.

"Shit!" Rick cursed and began sprinting back, but to only become blocked off by a herd of walkers.

"The barn!" Daryl said and they began running. Rick hauled the barn door open while Daryl looked for something to attract the walkers. He didn't find anything except gasoline.

"They're coming! Pour that oil on the floor, I'll get em' over here." Daryl said and threw up the gasoline to Rick who began pouring it over the floor.

Daryl ran out and began making noise, attracting as many walkers as he could. The undead turned their rotting heads over to Daryl and began stumbling over.

At least 50 walkers were squished inside the barn, Daryl only just managed to scramble up the ladder before Rick threw a lighter on to the floor, igniting the whole barn.

"We've got to get back!" Rick exclaimed and jumped out of the hayloft window. Daryl followed and stopped Rick running off.

"You go, get your boy and Lori. I'll hold off as many as I can." He said and started shooting walkers.

"I'm not leaving you!" Rick exclaimed but Daryl turned away.

"Just go!" He yelled and ran off to stab walkers. Rick cursed but did what Daryl said anyway. He ran to the house, shooting any walkers he could as he dashed through the flesh eating maze. Hershel was on the porch shooting walkers with his shotgun.

"We need to go! Where's Lori and Carl?" Rick panted slightly after running.

"They're getting in the cars. You go, I'm staying here." Hershel said and kept shooting.

"No you've got to come! Get Beth and Maggie! We'll all go!" Rick tried to talk to Hershel.

"Listen Rick, I was born here, I'm gonna die here. Protecting the ones I love. You go, I'll be fine." He said. Rick ran his hands through his hair, how could he get to this man?

"Hershel, you've got to listen to me. If you stay here you'll die! Come with us please." Rick begged as much as he could. Hershel took a few more shots before following Rick to the cars.

"Everyone here?" He asked. Walkers were everywhere, quickly surrounding the place.

"We've got to move! Now!" He shouted. Lori, Carl, Rick and Sophia got in one car.

"W-wheres my mum?" Sophia asked, she was obviously scared.

"I'm not sure sweetie. But we have to go." Lori said and Sophia nodded.

"Wheres Daryl?" Andrea asked Rick through the open window of the car.

"He's still out there, he'll be fine." Rick said and got in the drivers seat.

"So you're just going to leave him? Like that?" She asked. Rick was about to reply when Andrea turned around and ran towards where Daryl was.

"Shit!" Rick yelled in frustration.

Beth and Maggie were running out of the house, supporting a still weak Glenn, Randall was just behind them, shooting at walkers but missing most of them.

"You're wasting ammo!" Beth said and swapped places with Randall. He held Glenn while Beth shot the walkers. They got into a car with T-Dog, Maggie and Beth in the back with Glenn.

"Wheres daddy?" Beth asked, she couldn't leave him behind.

"He got in a car with Shane, hes fine." Maggie reassured as T-Dog stepped on the gas.

Shane got in his truck and pulled up next to where Hershel had started shooting again.

"Get in!" He shouted, Hershel opened the door and got in with Shane.

"Y'think I can draw some of em away?" He asked. He drove the truck off the road hoping maybe he could draw some of the walkers away from where Daryl and Andrea might be. There were walkers everywhere, it was hard to see where they were.

"This is useless! We need to go!" Hershel said, walkers were grabbing the car from every angle, slowing them down. Shane decided to drive away, Daryl would be fine.

"Where do we go?" Shane asked. As he continued driving.

"Where everyone else went, I suppose." Hershel said.

Daryl had managed to make it back to the house, but only just. He leant against the door which was about to collapse sooner or later from the many walkers outside.

"Anyone still here?" He yelled through the house. He saw a shadow approach from around the doorway, he readied his crossbow assuming it was a walker, but was suprised when Carol emerged.

"You shoulda' left." Daryl muttered.

"I was going to, but I was trapped. We could get out of the back door though." She said and ran over to help hold the door.

"Nah its okay, I got this. Try find something to block it with, buy us some time." He said, Carol nodded and looked around the kitchen.

"The table?" She asked and Daryl nodded. She pused the table over to the door, its legs screeching on the tiles. Carol put it right up against Daryl, and waited for him to climb over it before pushing it all the way to the door.

"Okay, lets go!" Daryl said and ran through the house with Carol close behind. They ran through the back door and round the side, Daryl's bike was parked out the front. Luckily not many walkers had noticed them.

"Just hold on." Daryl muttered and started the bike. The roar of the engine drew attention of the walkers but they were too fast. The house was quickly becoming further away, leaving it all behind.

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