Chapter 27

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I checked all my weapons for ammo, luckily they were all full. I strapped on my bandolier and put my leather jacket over the top. Rick was waiting for us by the car, I was about to go down when Maggie pulled on my hand.

"I know you can handle yourself but please be careful, I dont like the sound of this Governor." She said to me, she was worried.

"Thanks Maggie, I'm in good hands." I looked back to where the others had joined Rick. I hugged Maggie goodbye and went to the car.

"Ready?" Daryl asked. I nodded and got in the front seat next to Rick. Then our journey began.

"We should stop here so they don't see us coming." Rick pulled over and we got out. We were only a few minutes away from the gates, they could be seen in the distance.

I grabbed all my weapons and got out the car along with everyone else. It was dark outside, the moon cast a glow on the tarmac underneath our feet making it shine. I nodded my head at the others and we made our way to the front gates, crouching behind parked cars along the way.

The person on watch got off the gates and went into the town as another person came up.

"Thats the one who saved me." I whispered, it was Martinez.

"So is he your friend?" Rick asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know." I said truthfully and came out from behind the car and walked up to the gates. A flashlight shone in my face, temporarily blinding me.

"Chey? What are you doing here?" Martinez whispered when I was closer.

"We came for Merle and Andrea." I told him. He looked behind for a second before jumping down.

"You can't be here. The Governor, he's totally lost his mind. Merle is locked up, he's been asking Andrea for your whereabouts, he-"

"Martinez!" It was him, the Governor, he was on the other side of the wall, walking to us. I quickly ran back to the others and slid behind the car as he came on top of the gate.

"Thats him." I whispered. The others watched closely as him and Martinez spoke.

"What are you doing down there." He asked Martinez.

"Thought I saw a biter." He said and climbed back up to the top. As soon as he was up there, the Governor put his hand around his throat and roughly shoved him against the wall of the building.

"Have I told you before not to go over the wall." He was seething. Martinez nodded to his best ability.

"I hope we don't have this conversation again." The Governor said calmly and threw Martinez down. He looked straight towards the car we were hiding behind, we all quickly ducked down so we wouldn't be seen.

He could be heard walking back down the other side, I peeked through the car window to see him disappear down the otherside of the wall. I let out a long breath, we could do this, in and out, it was simple.

We quickly and quietly ran from the car to the gate, Martinez was watching us, shaking his head, wanting us to listen but we didn't. Rick, Daryl and Shane went over the truck while I waited on the otherside. It felt like forever, I was nervously tapping my leg when I heard the shuffling of feet.

I looked up to see Daryl climbling over the top of the truck, holding his hand out which Merle took. When they jumped down I could clearly see Merles injuries. His nose had previously been dripping with blood, he had a black eye and many cuts all over his face.

I felt terrible, this was all my fault, if I had just snuck out Merle wouldn't be like this.

"Andrea?" I asked. Rick looked down, he did that a lot, whenever there was an uneasy answer.

"We couldn't find her, she may not even be in there but right now we have to go." He said lowly. I stepped back towards the gate.

"You should take him back, I know this place I know where to look." I said before running and climbing over the truck. I heard Rick calling my name but I didn't stop.

"Did Andrea leave today?" I asked as I passed Martinez, I guess he felt a little awkward, whether he should help or not.

"Not that I'm aware of. Don't go in there, if he finds you..." he trailed off, I just nodded and jumped into the town. I crouched under the windows and stayed out of the spotlights, with my gun in front of me as I searched the town.

I came to what was our house, the door was unlocked as I tried the handle, it creaked open slightly as I slipped inside. The door shut, I listened intently through the darkness. I made my way to the stairs and slowly walked up them, her door was in view, the light was shining underneath the crack in the bottom of the door. I knocked, 3 raps on the door. After what felt like an eternity but couldn't have been more than 10 seconds, the door opened and Andrea stood there.

"What are you doing here?" She asked hesitantly.

"We came for you, me Rick, Daryl, Shane, we have to go." I whispered. I thought she would object a little but she nodded her head slowly and grabbed a gun off the side and put it down the waistband of her jeans. I was a little bit surprised, seeing as I tried to get her to come with me last time she accused me of just about everything. I jogged down the stairs and stopped at the bottom for Andrea. When she reached me I continued towards the door. My hand was touching the handle but her faint words made me freeze.

"I'm sorry." I heard her whisper before I was knocked to the ground. I groaned in pain as I lay on the floor, bleary eyed I just managed to see Andrea's outline standing above me holding a baseball bat until I was consumed into complete darkness.


The four were waiting anxiously on the other side of the gate for Chey's return.

"She ain't coming back." Merle managed to sputter out.

"Shut up man, she can handle herself." Daryl grunted. "Listen, I know we should stay but we gotta get Merle back."

Rick nodded and looked over to Shane.

"I can't leave, not again." He shook his head. Rick knew there was no way he could talk Shane out of this. He had a never ending feel of guilt.

"Be careful, I'll see you back at the prison." Rick patted his shoulder.

I'll see you back at the farm.

Shane nodded, it was a sense of deja vu, but this time, he would make sure they both got out.

He watched the others leave and then climbed over the fence in search for Chey.

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