Chapter 11

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My peaceful sleep was ruined by shouting coming from downstairs. I mushed my head into the pillow to try block out the fighting, but it didn't work. I sighed and got out of bed, got dressed, geared up my weapons and headed downstairs.

"Whats going on?" Shane shook his head and walked out of the house.

"Randall was no where to be seen this morning. Shane has this idea that he's gone to get his group to kill us." Rick said and I laughed.

"Really? We stopped his group and we saved him. I don't think he'd do anything like that." I reassured but Rick wasn't convinced.

"Look, I was going to take Sol on a ride anyway, I could go look for him?" I suggested and Rick smiled.

"Thanks Chey, I owe you one."  He patted my shoulder before walking away. I quickly grabbed myself some breakfast and made my way down to the stables.

On the way there I saw Shane and Daryl arguing. Seriously, is there anyone Shane doesn't argue with?

"You gotta know where it is!" Daryl yelled in Shane's face.

"I don't man, if you don't look after your shit it's bound to disappear." Shane looked highly amused with Daryl's anger.

"Just give it 'ere and we'll forget 'bout this." Daryl clenched his jaw.

"Look! I don't know where your stupid crossbow is. Maybe it got fed up with your shit and left!" Shane laughed to himself and walked away from a fuming Daryl.

Thats weird I thought to myself as I entered the stables. Sol stuck her head over the door with a big clump of hay in her mouth.

"C'mon girlie, we're going on an adventure." I said, her ears pricked up as I led her outside to the fence to get on. We walked into the forest thinking to myself, if I was Randall where would I go? I had no clue.

We walked for a while longer, the trees got thinner as we appeared by the little lake I'd discovered a few nights back.

"This is hopeless. For all I know he could be halfway into a different state." I grumbled and flopped against Sol's neck. I twiddled her black mane in my fingers when I saw footprints next to Sol's leg. They weren't irregular, they were symmetrical, so they couldn't be from a walker as they tend to drag their feet.

I clicked Sol on and we followed the footprints for about an hour, somtimes trotting Sol, until we came to a stop on a little hill that overlooked what looked like an old laser tag or paintballing place.

I halted Sol and pulled the sniper over my head. I looked through the scope to see if I could see anyone. There were lots of places I'd have to check on foot, but from the scope I couldn't see anyone or anything. 

Getting off Sol, I carefully walked down the steep hill. I climbed over a high mesh fence and landed stealthily on the ground. I looked around, this must have been where one of the rounds was held. There were barrels and logs which provided protection if you were getting shot at with little balls of paint.

A faint thunk could be heard, I crouched behind a barrel and listened again.

Thunk.. thunk... thunk

The noise repeated itself around every minute. I slung the sniper on my back and grabbed my pistol before advancing forward.

The noise got louder, it was like the sound of something hitting wood. I came up to a wooden cabin which had slits in it, I peered through the wood and saw none other than Randall, with Daryl's crossbow?

He was firing at a wooden target, the arrows hitting either the shoulders and below or missing completely.

I walked around the side of the cabin and watched for a while. He was aiming too lowly, and as the arrow was released he slightly moved the bow to the right, which sent the tail of the arrow off guard.

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