Chapter 8

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"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" I heard someone singing from my door and knocking on it. I groaned and rolled out of bed, opening the door to Beth's face. Her smile blinded me as she handed me a plate of food.

"We're leaving soon, so hurry up." She said and left me alone. I looked out the window, it was still dark but I could tell the sun would soon be rising. I shrugged and ate my food and headed downstairs where everyone was gearing up. There was Shane, checking his shotgun for bullets, Rick was loading many pistols, Glenn was hugging Maggie, T-Dog and Andrea were conversing, Carl was with Sophia and Carol.

"Hey Chey, how are you feeling." I looked up to see Lori, I hadn't talked to her much.

"Eh, peachy." I said and set my plate down. She smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

"You'll be fine, you're a strong girl, you go and kick that groups ass." She said and I laughed.

"Will do." I said and walked over to Rick. He looked up and smiled.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I shrugged.

"As I'll ever be." I said and he patted my shoulder. I grabbed my knife, pistol and rifle before we loaded up the two cars. It was me, Rick, Shane, Daryl and Randall in one, then Andrea, T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie and Dale in the other one while the others stayed behind.

Lori came up to Rick and kissed him goodbye. Shane tensed up but played it off by rubbing his head. I noticed he did that whenever he was in an awkward situation.

The sun was just beginning to rise as we set off. I wanted to ride in the front seat next to Rick but he subtly told me he didn't trust Shane with Randall, so here I was stuck in between two sweaty men.


We dropped off the cars where we had yesterday and crept towards the camp, hopefully they'd still be asleep and we could take them by surprise.

Smoke was rising from above the treeline. Maybe they were already up. Rick went out in front and I saw the first person. They were probably on watch, walking around with a sniper. They came close to where we were, I silently snuck up behind him and butted his skull with the handle of my gun which left him unconscious.

His body fell limp and I dragged it over to the tree we were near so the other group wouldn't see him. I patted his body down, recieving a hand gun, a knife and the sniper. I gave the knife and hand gun to Randall seeing as he didn't have any weapons.

"But I can't shoot." He said but hesitantly took the weapons anyway.

"You will when someone shoves a gun in your face. This is the safety, make sure its off before you shoot. Pull the slide back to reload. Try aim for the legs but if you have to kill them to save yourself then do it." I pointed to the different parts of the gun and handed it back to him.

I looked back towards the camp just as a caravan door burst open and a woman fell out. She was skinny and beaten, she limped over to the smoking fire and added more wood before cooking some meat.

We watched for a little while longer, the same caravan door opened and a man walked out. He was pretty fat, how in the world had he survived this long.

"Wheres my food?" He asked and stretched his arms above his head, revealing his sweat stains.

I looked to my right to see Andrea gagging, I would've laughed but we had to be quiet.

"I-it will be r-ready in 5 minutes sir." The woman stuttered and flinched, the man hadn't even moved to her.

"What was that?" He asked with a bushy brow raised and placed his hands on his hips.

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