Chapter 12

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I tapped my leg nervously as we drove into the school. The whole place was littered with walkers.

"Shit." Shane said as the car stopped. Thankfully none of the walkers noticed the car.

"What now?" I asked and grabbed my guns from the backseat and strapping them over my back.

"We're gonna have to sneak around. Just follow my lead." He said and got out of the car quietly. I did the same and crouched as we ran past lots of parked cars, until we stopped next to one which was directly across from the trailer.

"Do you think they'll clear with time?" Shane asked and I shook my head.

"They might, but Hershel really needs the equipment, we can't afford to take our time." I said. He looked thoughtful for a moment until moving to the front of the police car. He carefully opened the door and hopped inside. The boot flicked open with a creak, I cringed and looked inside.

"Flares?" I held up and he smiled.

"It should be dark soon. We throw the flares over there, hopefully they all go that way but if not we'll take out the remainders silently." We came up with a well structured plan and soon it was dark.

I lit a flare and threw it in the opposite direction to the trailer. Some walkers moved away but not all of them. Shane threw one and I lit another one. Most of the walkers had moved over, there was only a few stubborn ones left.

Shane nodded his head and we ran around the cars and into the trailer. My heart was pounding as the trailer door slammed shut and we began rooting. I switched on my torch and shone it on all the shelves as I searched.

It only took us about 5 minutes but we found everything.

"All good?" Shane asked and I nodded. He slowly opened the door, the walkers had seen us and began walking our way. We wouldn't be able to make it through the herd and back to the car, we'd have to go around.

"Shit. Come on!" He yelled and began running. I followed him, walkers cut us off in each direction until we were forced into a small caretakers closet or something with a wall. I grabbed the gate and slid it across, stopping the walkers getting to us.

"What now?" I asked slightly breathless. I was well aware that the bolt holding the gate shut could break anytime soon.

"Um... that way." Shane pointed to a door to the right of us and moved towards it. I opened the door and narrowly avoided a walker which was about to pounce. Shane grabbed the walker by its neck and rammed his knife into it.

"Thanks." I said. We both turned around when a big crashing noise sounded behind us. The walkers had pushed the gate down and were coming our way.

I grabbed Shane and began running through the school, it was dark, I couldn't exactly make out where we were going. The walkers behind us were growling ferociously, hungry for human flesh.

The hallways twisted and turned, the walkers never losing sight of us. I began to panic, surely we would hit a dead end sooner or later.

We rounded one last corner and saw the double doors at the end chained together, stopping us from getting through.

"What now?" I panted and backed against the wall. Shane looked around quickly and spotted a door to our left.

"There!" He dragged me towards the door and rammed it open. We were in a gymnasium. I looked around and spotted ledge we could climb up where the walkers wouldn't be able to reach us. I motioned to Shane and he followed as the walkers barrelled through the door.

"Give me a boost, I'll pull you up." Shane said. I cupped my hands and lifted him up. I looked behind and saw the walkers not 10 meters from me. Shane scrambled onto the ledge and bent his arm down for me. I jumped and grabbed it just as the walkers flooded where I was not 2 seconds ago. I climbed up the wall and collapsed next to Shane who was looking down at the walkers scratching on the wall.

"That was close." I gulped. How were we going to get out of here now?

"We can kill some now then get back down when the herd has lessened?" I suggested. Shane loaded his gun and began shooting the walkers one by one. I did the same and soon the crowd was only small.

"You jump down and I'll cover you from here. Theres windows over there I can get out of if everything goes to shit." He pointed to the windows and I nodded. He offered me his hand as I climbed back down the wall, shooting walkers either side of me with my free hand.

I let go of Shane and landed lightly. I turned my attention to the walkers which were now coming my way. Turns out more of them were hiding in the shadows where we couldn't see them.

"Shit. I'll lead them away, you get out of that window." I yelled to him and began running through a different door to which we came in. The walkers were on my tail as I bolted out of there. I led them into a tennis court, I ran to the fence and jumped over into a field.

The walkers kept following me on the other side of the fence as I ran around and shut the gate so they were trapped.

I breathed a sigh of relief, I was safe for now.

Walking back to the car, I heard gunshots go off. Shane.

I ran to the noise and saw Shane limping away from walkers. He got cornered by a fence, he was out of ammo. I started shooting them with my rifle, he looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"C'mon, lets get back." I supported him as he limped at my side. I shot the oncoming walkers, the growls behind us intensified. I looked behind and saw the crowd at the fence had pushed it down.

"We need to hurry." I stated. Shane began hopping as we walked quicker, but it wasn't quick enough.

"How much ammo do you have?" I asked.

"None. I ran out just before you found me." He said. I finished off my rifle ammo and shot the walkers nearest, but it didn't make much difference. They were gaining on us, we wouldn't be able to escape with Shane's limping.

"We're not going to make it." He said and looked at me.

"You are." I said and handed him my backpack. "Go, I'll keep them away. Promise me that gets to Hershel soon." I said and pulled away from him.

"I cant leave you!" He protested.

"I'll be fine. Go back to the farm, I'll see you there." I smiled and turned back to the walkers which were only a few feet away now. I got out my knife and prepared myself. I took one last glance at Shane who was hobbling away.

At least two people will be saved. Was my last thought as the herd swarmed me.

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