Chapter 15

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Daryl held the crossbow tighter to him as clashes of thunder rumbled through the sky.

There weren't many things that made him feel uneasy, but being in the middle of no where looking for a girl he didn't even care about in a thunder storm was one of those things.

"Stupid kid, why ya' have t' run off." He grumbled under his breath.

A walker stumbled out from behind a tree, it looked at Daryl and began stumbling his way. He shot it right in the head before it could come closer.

"Shit." He swore as the first raindrop landed on his nose. He just hoped it would pass, everything seemed to be going wrong lately.

He progressed further and further into the forest, taking in the surrounding before him, getting lost was his least worry, he needed to find Beth before sundown.

Another two walkers could be spotted up ahead, Daryl quickly shot them both before they noticed him and got his arrows back. There seemed to be a lot more walkers around than there was before.

All of the times Daryl had gone hunting he'd only ever come across two walkers at most, now he was running into them more often than animals.

Rain started pouring down heavier, the raindrops dripping from Daryl's nose. Lightening lit up the quickly darkening sky and thunder continued to shake the ground.

"Where could she be?" Daryl mumbled to himself, he was becoming more and more frustrated with the situation.

A walker was crouched over, ripping something to shreds. Daryl's heart dropped, from this angle he couldn't see what it was, he just hoped it wasnt Beth.

The walker fell limp as an arrow sailed through its brain. Daryl ran over and was relieved when he saw it was only a snake the walker had managed to get hold of.

He collected his arrows, as he did he saw the leaves on the floor scuffed about. He crouched down to get a closer look, he could make out hoofprints in the leaves.

"Must've got spooked at the snake, stood on it while it ran." Daryl explained to himself. He looked back at the snake and there was blood coming from its head.

Daryl followed the hoofprints for a while, hoping to come across Beth.


Back at the farm Dale decided to go for a walk and stretch his legs.

"Just take it easy, your wound hasn't healed properly, we dont need you tearing it open again." Maggie said and he nodded.

"I wont be too long, just need some fresh air." He said and limped out of the house.

Maggie went and sat down next to a sleeping Glenn. Both Dale and Glenn's operations had gone well, now they were just healing.

She ran her hand through his black hair, and he smiled.

"You should be sleeping still." She said.

"I've been sleeping for hours." Glenn mumbled groggily.

"Well sleep more." She said and Glenn laughed, but stopped when his side started hurting.

"Only of you sleep with me." He asked. Maggie rolled her eyes but nevertheless lay down next to him, avoiding his wounded side. She ran her fingers through his hair until they both fell asleep.

Lori was pacing round the house, looking and closets and bathrooms but she couldn't find anything.

"Whats up?" Shane startled her as she was looking under the bed.

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