Story Of Her Life.

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As the sun faded and the warm night air sweeped in from the ocean, students through out the city salvged the last moments of summer that they would see for nine long months.

Beth stood in the kitchen dressed in a bikini, making drinks for the fifteen high schoolers currently occupying the family pool. With peer pressure settling in on her shoulders and her mother working the night shift at the hospital again, she took a deep breath and opened the liquor cabinet. Tequila. Wine. Smearnoffs. Other thick liquids with names she couldn't pronounce. She smiled to herself and began mixing things together.

The night was still young and so was the party. With several drinks still inher system, Beth dove into the pool. And again. And again. Before the night was over, she was cuddled with a strange boy, asleep on an airmatress- still floating in the pool.

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