Telling Paslay.

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As soon as Ben pulled the golfcart onto the grassy area that was their campsite, Beth walked from the barely stopped vehicle and climbed aboard the RV. She went straight back to the suite that had all of her bags piled in it and landed softly on the bed. She cried into her pillow. Why?! Why did Mrs. Paslay have to stalk them the entire day, why did Abi have to walk up at that very moment? Why couldn't she just enjoy the little alone time she had with her boyfriend? She couldn't go out in public where she lived, and now she couldn't go out in public here either. She sighed.

A hand touched the small of her back. She turned to meet Ben's sympathetic face. She sat up and hugged him, hard.

"Why can't I ever be normal?" she cried.

"Because your name is Beth Anderson," Ben joked. "You are normal, you just don't have a normal relationship. Don't worry. It'll be better wtih time."

Eric entered just then, and Ben took his cue to leave. They closed the door to the suite room since Ben and Alicia were sleeping on the fold-out bed only six feet away from them. Eric lay next to Beth and looked up through the sunroof that the stars. This was almost as good as the beach, Beth tried to think positive. They layed chest to chest, nose to nose, and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Ben's yelling woke the sleeping couple from their deep slumber. They crawled lazily out of bed and could see Ben standing on their campsite through the windsheild. He seemed to be yelling at a lady, a lady to large to be Alicia. They looked closer. Mrs. Paslay. The quietly opened one of the windows so they could better hear the conversation.

"Why are you fucking stalking us, Sarah?" Ben yelled at the top of his lungs. "Seriously!? Get a life! And stay the hell out of mine!"

"I'm not staking you." Sarah yelled back. "I'm on vacation with my family, I walk down the road to my condo and I happened to see a co-worker's wife and I get bitched at for saying goodmorning?"

"You were rude to her!" He pointed at Alicia who was standing over the barbeque pit. "And that's bullshit! We've seen you everywhere we've gone. You need to leave us the hell alone."

Sarah's face grew cold. "I'm not leaving this fucking city until I get proof of what I know. That slut little sister of yours wasn't dating you, but I know she's dating your student-teacher! I know it! And as soon as I get proof all of you will be out of a job."

"So fucking what Sarah! Let the girl date who she wants. Why are you so obssessed with Beth? Huh? Get a fucking life, take care of your kids for once, have fun with them in the sand, don't creep around and get off by watching a teenage girl make out with her boyfriend!" Ben kicked the cooler over.

Beth looked at Eric with a grin. Ben was actually cussing this lady out, something Beth's wanted to do since summer camp in eighth grade. They hugged eachother and Eric exited the RV. He yawned, and stretched as if he'd just waken up.

"Mrs. Paslay? What are you doing here?" he greeted as he scratched his cheek and adjusted his pajama pants.

"I know about you and your student Mr. Inman. And if I can help it, you'll never be a teacher in this town again!" She hissed.

"Seriously Sarah, go back to your husband and kids now, or I'll go find them myself and Tell Bryan how you hit on me on a daily basis, and threatened to tell that I was sleeping with a student if i didn't sleep with you first," Conklin threatened. He wasn't playing. "So stop running your mouth, and go away so I can enjoy my vacation."

"I'd listen to him Mrs. Paslay. He's serious," Eric grinned at her.

"This isn't over Conklin! Inman! You hear me Beth! This isn't over!" she yelled, walking back to the beach, and to her hotel.

Beth finally came out of the RV. "That was... amazing!" she explained.

"I know right?" Ben chuckled, pushing his hair from his eyes. "She won't be back."

Beth giggled at his cockyness, and grabbed a poptart from their food supply.


Sorry Its Soo Short I Promise It Will Get Better

- Saff xx

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