Gotta Get Down On Friday.

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Finally Friday had arrived. Beth had spent the entire week avoiding Mr. Inman and ignoring his requests in class. After the first two or three times, he eventually decided it'd be best to just avoid her as well.

She walked into class that day knowing she was on top of the world, with a new found confidence she'd been deprived of that entire week. She'd winked at Troy as soon as he entered, ready to see what that night would have in store for her.

Mr. Inman isntructed the class to get into groups of two and discuss with their partner what their mid-term presentation was going to be on, considering the semester was almost complete.

Since Dana wasn't in class that day, Beth gladly welcomed Troy to join her group at the front of the room, perfect for Mr. Inman's vision.

She sat on the table part of her desk, since it was a relaxed environment, and pulled Troy in so he was standing between her legs. She laced her fingers with his and smiled up at him.

"I'm excited for tonight," she pretty much lied.

"Really?" he raised an eyebrow seductively and winked at her.

Then, in the spur of the moment, she leaned up and planted the sweetest kiss she could on his lips. He leaned in and deepened the kiss, running his fingers through her long, chocolate-brown hair.

Mr. Inman cleared his throat, but Beth only made the kiss last longer, and a moment later, Mr. Conklin noticed the awkward silence from his desk.

"Get a room you two!" he yelled, causing Troy to pull away, his face a deep red.

"Just make sure it's not yours Beth," he continued, "Don't want to know you two are doing what you're doing that close to my house."

She froze noticing the smirk on Mr. Inman's face, and twhirled around to face Mr. Conklin, giving him the most suprised, angered look she could make.

"What?" he grinned.

"Don't think the class cares to know about how close your house is to mine." she spoke through her teeth, making faces that made Conklin giggle even more than he already was.

"What?" a really dumb girl asked from the back.

He eyed Beth once more, shrugged his shoulders and continued to clear up his living situation with the entire class.

"You really live across the street from your teacher?" a girl with the most annoying naisly voice was trying hard to keep from bursting into laughter.

Beth nodded her head as if it killed her to answer.

The girl, and the rest of the class bursted into laughter.

"How do you have parties?" A jock questioned.

"How I always do. Mr. Conklin will just have to turn the other cheek." she looked back at Ben, who was clearly amused.

Mr. Inman errupted into a fit of laughter, doubled over, leaning on his desk to keep from falling to the ground. How was he so amused with this? Beth cursed herself for ever dating him. She bet if she told the class about his living situation, he wouldn't be so amused.

Beth looked over at Troy, who seemed to be just as amused as everyone else. Could any of the men in her life give her a break, ever? Just then the bell rang. THANK GOODNESSSS! She wanted to yell.

Just as she was about to file out behind Conklin and the rest of the class, Inman called her over.

"So now that the class knows about Conklin living near you..." He said.

Beth knew he really had nothing else to say after that. He just wanted to taunt her about the fact that she no longer had a social life, and everyone probably still thought she and Conklin were hooking up. Why was he so happy this happened to her? Did he love to see her suffer? He was probably the one who put Conklin up to announcing it in the first place.

She stood there staring at him as he waited for a reply. She simply turned around and walked out without any sign that she even heard him speak. She'd probably hear about that later, but at that very moment, she was too excited about that night to even think about Eric, Ben, or any of the other people at this school, except for Troy of course.



Yay! Next chapter is the date chapter, and I don't know about you guys but I'm super excited about writing it! It will have a few twists in it, and I can't wait to see what you guys think! Please Comment, let me know how I'm doing!

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