Everyone in Lakewood Was There

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Ben felt really bad for causing so much trouble, so he offered to take the group out on the pier for the concert that night. Beth smiled at that, and rushed to get ready. She gathered her clothes, a towel and some toiletries and made her way to the campsites community shower.

Beth had always hated the idea of community showers. There was a stall for every shower area, that didn't lock, and the only thing between your naked body and a complete stranger was a thin white shower curtain. Beth chose the second shower stall. Most people never chose to enter a stall towards the front because they're afraid of people seeing them. So Beth decided to be different, and maybe she'd be less likely to be walked in on. She was almost always walked in on in a public shower. It's like creeps don't have the decentsy to knock. Beth showered uncomfortably and tried her hardest to shave her legs in the tightly confined area, which a bigger person would never be able to fit in. She pushed the door open lightly only to close it back straight away. Standing just outside her stall was Mrs. Paslay, and her three young children, all sand-covered and sunburnt.

"Were you finished in here?" She said, just after knocking on Beth's door.

"Uh- No!" Beth called out, trying to make her voice sound a pitch or twelve higher.

"Okay then." was her response.

So she was rude to strangers too, not only Beth. Beth draped the towel over the door and tried to change in the stall, which was really small. The tiled floor seemed to stay wet all the time, so she couldn't put any clothes down there. After she dressed, she kept her hair wrapped up in her towel and waited to hear Mrs. Paslay's naisely voice, hopefully instructing her kids on how to avoid germs in a public shower.

"Sweety, it's not a restroom..." Success! Beth faintly made out her ex-science teacher's voice. She opened her stall, grabbed her things and took off running back towards her campsite.

She arrived at the picnic table out of breath and hung her clothes to dry there.

"What happened to you?" Alicia questioned as she put in an earring. She must have noticed Beth's bare, dirt covered feet and the fact that she was out of breath.

"Saw... Mrs. Paslay... in the showers... made a run for it..." Beth explained, trying to catch her breath.

"Shit. Eric and Ben are at the Men's showers, you think Mr. Paslay will be in there?" Alicia asked.

Beth shook her head as she filled the fishing bucket up with water. She stuck her feet in it, rinsed them off and found some decent shoes for the Pier. Eric and Ben soon returned, dressed pretty nicely and with a cloud of Axe surrounding them both. Beth took her boyfriend's hand, and Ben took his wife's. They all piled into the golfcart, married couple in the front, forbidden couple in the back. She wasn't about the let the Paslay clan ruin her from having a good time. She leaned into Eric and stole a kiss from him.

The pier was one of the longest, widest ones on the West coast. A carnival occupied one half of it, a stage for music in the middle, and at the End, a silent place for fishing and the greatest ocean view in the state. The couples boarded the Pier, weary of any unsuspecting people that they might know lurking around any corner. Beth raced Eric to the ferris wheel, and when they arrived, first in line, the maching operator congratulated them on being the lucky couple who would receive free rides all night long. Beth grinned at Eric as they boarded the enclosed ride.

"Alone at last," Eric grinned leaning into Beth for a kiss.

Beth looked out over the ocean. The sun made the water reflect perfectly. She spotted dolphins twisting and jumping in the distance, and grinned at the fact that she was on top of the world, with the one person she wanted to be there with.

When they finally came back to the bottom to exit, Eric's face was pale. He was looking at one person. Of course, the light of their life, Mrs. Sarah Paslay. Beth groaned.

"Can we ride one more time?" Beth asked over Eric's lap as the door of their cart opened.

"Of course Ma'am," the ride operator stated. "Have fun." He closed the door to their cart and Beth swung her leg over Eric's, sitting on his lap, facing him.

"It'll be okay," she kissed him. "We're. Safe. In. Here." With each word she kissed him in a different place, ranging from his forehead down to his neck.

Eric groaned, obvioulsy enjoying it. "I love you." He kissed her back.

"I love you too," she smiled lovingly at him and continued kissing him.

After the scare on the ferriswheel, Beth began to think about how often they'd already spotted Paslay. What if she knew about her and Eric already? What if she were actually stalking them? Beth cleared the thoughts from her mind and waved at Alicia and Ben, who were motioning them to some sort of Baseball game, where you win a giant teddy bear for your girlfriend or something.

Ben and Eric went head-to-head while Alicia and Beth watched from nearby. Eric won Beth a giant Perry the Platipus, almost as big as she was, and Ben won Alicia a tweety bird stuffed animal, as big as her hand. Beth laughed at Ben, Eric made fun of Ben, and Alicia named her bird "Ben".

The couples eventually made their way to the new, fancy resturaunt that was recently built at the start of the Pier. Ben offered to buy for everyone if he could drink, so the group agreed. Supposedly they had the best beer in that place.

They sat in a corner booth that easily seated six. When the waitress took orders for drinks, Eric's eyes grew wide. "Shit!" He explained. "Hurry Beth Duck!"

"What the hell Eric?!" Beth whispered as he pushed her head beneath the table. She finally slid her butt into the floor and avoided someone's gum. She listened closely. There better be one hell of a good reason why he's making her do this.

"Mr. Inman? Mr. Conklin?" A familiar voice called. It took a moment for Beth to recognize it but when she did, she was greatful she was in the floor. It was the voice of Abi Montez, a girl that was in she and Eric's group from the camping trip back in October.

"Hey! Abi! How are you doing?" Ben greeted moving over a bit to shake her hand. "This is my wife, Alicia and of course, Mr. Inman."

"Nice seeing you guys here. Your wife is really pretty Mr. Conklin. So who are you with Mr. Inman? Uh, Perry here?" Abi giggled at him.

"I'm flying solo tonight. I won Perry at the carnival, figured if they were going to let me take him home I'd have to buy him a drink first," he grinned, rubbing his leg against Beth's arm.

Beth smiled. She figured if Abi didn't know she was there, she was going to have some fun with this. She rubbed two fingers at the base of his ankle, and lightly slid it up slowly until it reached in between his legs. He shivered with delight, but grabbed her hand tight to keep her from going any further. Beth smiled. She had sooooo much power over this guy.

Abi stood there for a long while chatting with her History teachers when her parents called her to leave, finally.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys, be careful, don't party too hard!" she called, walking towards the exit.

"You can come up now." Ben said, peeking under the table.

Beth rose from her knees and sat upright in the booth. Sweat dripped from her upper lip, so she whiped it off with her hand as she rose. She felt someone looking at her. Two tables over, four teenage boys were staring at her with glee, winking and motioning for her to join them. Great. Now she looked like she was a slut. Could this stupid vacation get any worse?

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