Pushing The Limits.

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Beth had spent the entire night locked in her room, avoiding phone calls and texts from Eric. Yes, she knew she couldn't resort to condeming herself within the four walls of her favorite place forever, and she had to face her problems head on, but for what she had just witnessed- this would have to work for now. Strangely, after learning what she just did, she kind of wanted Friday night to come faster. Was that terrible? She didn't think so.

As Beth climbed into her green beatle, she was frightened when a light tap on the passenger's window broke her determination to avoid leaving with Mr. Inman. She looked up. Eric. She was disappointed her plan didn't work, and she wasn't in the mood to deal with him. She looked him in the eye, pressed the 'lock' button on her automatic doors. slowly backed out of the driveway, and sped off. She could see him and Mr. Conklin in her rearview mirror, exchanging stunned looks with one another. Did Mr. Conklin just witness that? She'd probably have hell to pay at school in a few minutes. She didn't care.

She met with Dana where she was furious at the news of last night's discovery.

"I'm going to kick his ass. What kind of person does that?" Dana shouted as they took the steps to the school's enterance.

"Shhhh!" Beth scolded. "Remember, he's your TEACHER, not your best friend's asshole ex-boyfriend."

"Oh... right." Dana lowered her voice to a faint whisper, and let a giggle escape as she twisted the lock on her locker.

Laura met with the two and they were discussing last nights freezing weather when Beth felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned, expecting to see the owner of the locker she was blocking off, but instead was in for a not-so-pleasant-suprise. Eric. Of course.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" he spoke in his I'm-so-cool-'cause-I'm-a-teacher voice.

"You can. In class." Beth simply replied.

"Beth, I'm not joking." he leaned into her, closer than she could handle.

"In. A. Minute." she stood her ground as Dana and Laura observed, speechless.

Eric huffed and stomped down the hall to the classroom. Beth wanted to smile, but she didn't.

"What was that all about?" Laura asked, clearly not informed on anything that had been taking place that whole school year. That was cool, Beth liked it that way.

When the tardy bell rang and the halls were empty, Beth finally decided going to class would be worth it. She'd wanted to skip class just to piss Eric off, but she kind of wanted to see Troy's face again. She opened the classroom door to see Mr. Inman in the middle of teaching another super-boring History lesson.

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Anderson," he stated, as he did to every other late student that came in that entire year.

"Yeah." she responded, slouching in her seat.

"I'm sorry?" He replied. He'd never done that before.

"YEAHHH." she said a couple levels louder, being the sarcastic person she was.

"I don't appreciate the attitude," Was he seriously doing this? Beth wasn't afraid to challenge him in front of God, and the entire class.

"Okay Momma, get off my nuts," she immediately regreted the words as they slipped from her mouth.

His expression turned cold and sturn. Uh-Oh.

"See me after class." he turned is attention from her to the general population of the room, and continued babbling on about the Cold War. She could feel the eyes of her peers on the back of her head. She kind of regreted that last comment, but wasn't about to back down from this asshole.

Did he seriously expect her to stay after class? Lucky Mr. Conklin wasn't there to witness her act, he was probably in the teacher's lounge drinking a soda or making copies of his butt on the copying machine. She giggled at the thought, catching the attention of the entire room. An awkward silence settled in the air as Mr. Inman gazed in her direction. He sighed, and continued teaching.

When the release bell rang, her heart pounded louder than she ever thought it could. She promised to meet up with Troy later as she pecked a kiss on his cheek to tell him goodbye. When the room was empty, Mr. Inman slammed and locked the door.

"What the hell, Beth?" he stood with his hands on his hips like a pissed off house-wife. Beth Couldn't help but to be amused. But after several seconds her face grew serious too.

"Seriously? You're what-the-helling me? I should be what-the-helling you!" she almost yelled.

"...What?" he asked, obviously confused with her wording.

"You're mad because I'm pissed. I'm pissed because you had some slut in my house- my mom's house- last night. So, you have no right to what-the-hell me." Beth explained.

He came close to her, trapping her against the wall, his hands on either side of her head. He leaned in, trying to calm her down.

"I'm mad because you took off last night, and this morning without giving me a chance to explain. And please, don't call my COUSIN a slut." he said.

Was it bad that Beth was completely turned on right now?

"Your...cousin?" she repeated. "Not your hot girlfriend?"

"Yes. My cousin Beth." a smile played on his lips. "Besides, why do I have to answer to you? I'm a grown man. And we're not boyfriend-girlfriend anymore, remember?"

Of course she remembered. She thought about it every second of every day. She couldn't help but want to lean in and kiss his lushious lips at that very moment. She wiggled from between him and the wall and touched the doorhandle, ready to leave.

"Don't forget ASD this afternoon," he seemed quite amused, now that the entire situation was settled.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me."

That would be the toughest punishement, ever.

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