Bethany Miller.

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It was early the next morning when Beth's eyes fluttered open. She could barely make out the figure of someone standing beside her bed. Her Mom? Why was she up?

"Sweety, I was just about to wake you," she said stepping away from Beth's dresser. "I'm headed to the grocery store, do you need anything?"

"You're going to the store again?" Beth questioned, yawning, recalling her going to the store last week.

"Yeah, seems like the food in this house is getting eaten up pretty quickly these days," Martha eyed Beth suspiciously.

"Well Dana has been hanging out here," she lied. "And sometimes Eric will come over and I'll cook for him, otherwise he wouldn't survive out there, all alone in the guest house." she stretched.

Martha adverted her eyes from Beth. "Eric, huh?"

Beth rolled her eyes. "Whaaat?"

"You two are getting pretty close here lately, huh?" she sat at the edge of the bed, ready to give one of her rare, but very effective talks about life.

"Yeah Mom, you could have guessed that would have happened since he's practically living with us," she got out of bed and slipped on her shorts. She tied her hair up in the most loose, messy bun she could, and looked at her Mom.

Martha held her hands up in defense. "I'm just asking, calm down..." she looked back up at Beth and grinned. "He's kind of cute though, isn't he?"

Beth nodded slightly and trodded off to the restroom. Martha sighed and eyed Beth's mirror, which was attached to her dresser, again. At the top of the mirror, stuck on the class with what seemed like water was a familiar note to Beth.

" You're amazing. Don't forget that

♥ Eric Inman "

was written in smeared blue ink.

It was about Mid-day when Beth decided to go for a run. She hadn't been running since school let out, and figured the exercise would help her relax from the stress of mid-terms being through with. She was glad Eric's advisor decided to let him stay for the second half of the semester as well. She didn't know what she would do without seeing him all day, every day. He never got old, he was amazing.

She rounded the curb just on the outskirts of the practically-gated community she lived in and ran straight into something hard, another body? She ended up flat on the ground and opened her eyes. She saw one of her classmates, Bethany Miller, standing over her gasping for air.

"Omygosh!" she exclaimed," Are you okay?" she offered a hand and pulled Beth to her feet.

"I'm...fine," she dusted the bottom of her sweatpants off. "Thanks."

Bethany's medium brown hair was pulled in a ponytail, her crystal blue eyes shined bright, even in the muggy weather. The fake dimond stud in her nose glittered a bit, and Bethany smiled.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who lives across the street from Mr. Conklin?" her eyes brigtened as she eyed the iron gat they were both standing next to.

"Yeah," Beth looked at her feet. "That's me."

"I knew Mr. Conklin lived around here somewhere! I live about a mile down the road in another neighborhood, but I see Mr. Conklin driving around sometimes. I swore I saw Mr. Inman too, you know, his super hot student-teacher? Wouldn't it be cool if he lived near you too?" she babbled on.

"Yeah, super cool," she said, trying to hide her sarcasm.

"You know, I never really believed any of the rumors of you and... well you know, him, because he has a wife now, doesn't he? And even if he does live across the street from you, with easy access to your home and window, that doesn't matter to me, youre still innosent," she recalled.

"Mhm," Bethany spoke as if she was talking about a murder. Beth tried to seem like she wasn't impatient and dying to continue her lap around the block and back down through the neighborhood.

"Hey, you should show me where he lives." Bethany's next sentence caught Beth's attention.


"Mr. Conklin. I'd love to know. And maybe we could hang out sometime too, you know since we have so much in common. Like our names!" she giggled, and touched Beth's shoulder.

Beth shook her head. "Uh, I'm not supposed to show people where he lives... that's like stalking, sort of..." she ignored the whole hanging out part, she didn't want to make things awkward than they already were.

Bethany crossed her arms and smirked. "What? Want him all for yourself?"

Bethany wrinkled up her nose and sprinted down the sidewalk as if she didn't hear Bethany's idiotic remark. How could the girl be so stupid as to say something like that? She shook her head at the thought and put the headphones of her ipod back in. She didn't care what she thought, Bethany wasn't anyone 'high up' in school anyways. Who would she tell about the little insadent?

As she made her way back to her neighborhood, passing a section of dark, dreary trees, she began to feel like she was being watched? Or even followed? And it wasn't the same feeling she got when Eric watched her it was much... creepier

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