Richard Evans.

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When the group pulled into Beth's driveway, Eric quickly snuck from the RV and escaped to across the street with Ben and Alicia. He was going to hide out there for a day or two until Beth was settled in, to keep her mother from being suspicious about the fact that both of them were gone the same amount of time.

Beth lugged her bags up to her room and threw them on the floor. She'd unpack eventually, but she wanted to see how her mother was doing. The sucky thing about being an only child was that she felt bad when her mother was left alone for a long time. It would kill her to move out, and leave her mom alone in this big empty house.

She was so glad she'd be going back to school that following Monday. Spring Break was a much needed vacation but she was excited, because after Spring Break time usually rushed by and before anyone knew it, summer would be here. Summer was something she missed so dearly. Bonfires on the beach, late night pool parties her mother never knew about, and passionate make-out sessions in the sand seemed to be things that were coming up close on her radar.

She changed into comfortable clothes, of course, that ment cute panties and a tank, and her cell phone vibrated. She texted Dana back, who pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth for a few weeks there, but was now back. She lounged around her room for a bit, and trotted down the stairs.

Downstairs was pretty empty, although a half eaten Sandwich and fresh softdrink let Beth know her mother wasn't too far away. Just then, she heard splashing coming from the pool outside. She peeked through the curtians that were partially covering the sliding glass door and peered out at her mother, and a man. She looked closely; this man seemed familiar to her. Of course. It was Doctor Richard Evans. A man Martha had known for years, and was a close friend to her. He then leaned in, and planted the most passionate, sexy kiss Beth had ever witnessed her mother receiving. Okay, maybe he was more than just a close friend.

Beth plopped down on the couch, unable to wipe the smile off of her face. After everything she'd been through this year, with her family, her father, her friends, and of course the boy drama, things had actually turned out for the better. Now, all that was left to do was attend Eric's graduation in three weeks, and then attend her own in only a year, and finally, all of the pressure will be lifted from her shoulders, and maybe, finally, she'd be able to relax.

Her mom entered the room with a towel wrapped around her. She took a drink of her Vitamin water and and noticed Beth eyeing her from the livingroom couch.

"You just get in?" she asked after almost choking on her drink.

"A little while ago," Beth stated as she rose up to meet her Mom at the bar. "What have you been up to?" Beth eyed the guy sitting at the edge of the pool swinging his legs in the water.

"Just hanging out with Richard. You remember him, Dr. Evans?" she said casually as she pulled uncooked hamburger patties from the refrigerator.

"Mhm." Beth said arching her eyebrows.

Martha noticed the expression on her daughter's face and rolled her eyes. "Okay okay. I like him... I really like him, Beth. We've been sort of...'dating' as you kids would call it these days..."

Beth imagined herself trying to explain she in Eric's relationship in the way her mother just did. Martha certianly wouldn't have approved of it if that was how she worded it for the first time. Beth narrowed her eyes at her mother.

"Does he make you happy?" Beth felt important that her mother would ask her for her approval.

Martha's lightly tanned face blushed just speaking about him. He obvioulsy made her happy. "I approve." Beth muttered.

Martha jumped on her daughter who met her with a hug. Martha acted as if she were a teenage girl receiving permission to date for the first time, because she immediately took the burgers out to the grill to inform Richard of the good news. A moment later, she invited Beth out to celebrate the good news.

"Too bad Eric's in the mountains, he's missing out on some good food," Richard seemed slightly concerned.

Yeah. Too bad.


Hello, Guys This Is Sortaa Of A Teaser. Im Really Sorry I Hardly Have Any Time To Write AnyMore

-Saff xxx

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