Let The Games Begin.

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Mr.Inman and Beth sat on one of the tireswings hidden away on the other side of camp. She sat in his lap and held his hand in the dark, quietly discussing the precautions of their forbidden relationship.

"You do realize this could get me fired, and you expelled, right?" he whispered as he gently guided his fingers through her hair.

"How can they expell someone for falling in love, it's all so..." she protested.

"Stupid?" he continued. "I know... but some just don't see a student and a teacher as two people, they see them as well, a student and a teacher and their small minds can't grasp that we have feelings and... urges too."

"Urges?" she laughed.

"Seriously," he adjusted his body so he could look her in the eye. "You can't tell anyone about us Beth, not even Dana. This could ruin both of our lives. And it probably doesn't help the fact that I'm living with you..."

"Eric everyone thinks I hate you," she giggled. "The way I've been acting, even Dana thinks I think you're the scum of the earth."

"But I'm you're scum, right?" he pouted.

She hit him lightly on the shoulder. "We better go try to get some sleep before light. People might be waking up."

He nodded, and led her around the path back to camp. When they arrived and Beth settled in her tent, she was just about to fall asleep when she was startled awake.

"Where have you been?" Dana spoke sternly.

Beth jolted. "Shit, you scared me Dana!" she sighed, and put her palm to her chest for show.

"Seriously." Dana said, propping herself up on one elbow. "You've been gone for a long while now."

"I had to pee. I went and squatted in the woods and got lost coming back because my flashlight didn't work." Only half of it was a lie. Her flashlight did stop working, along with Eric's, and all because they had been unexpectedly dipped in the pool when Mr. B crashed their make-out session.

"Hm." she bought it. "Next time, just wake me up to come with you, you may have cat-like balance but your sence of direction sucks."

Beth grinned in the dark. She couldn't wait for this trip to end, and to be back at home in her own bed, where Eric could hold her tight and not have to worry who's watching, besides her mother of course, on the rare occassion.

When morning came, Dana's sleeping bag was empty. Beth stepped out onto the dirt of the ground and noticed everyone else's tents were empty too. She'd seriously over slept.

She grabbed a tooth brush and made her way over to the outdoor showering area. She read the rules, obviously posted by Mr. Conklin judging by the three-year-old-like writting scribbled across it.

"All students must shower with a bathing suit on. Males on the Left, Females on the right."

A thick brick wall split the showers right down the middle. A frail shower curtain hung down on both sides, but the Males' was left half open, so she could clearly see her classmates bathing. She spotted Mr. Inman bathing on the other side. Although he was slightly shorter than her taste, she watched him shampoo his hair as his muscles bulged in his arms, and the soap ran down his washboard abs that were oh-so familiar to her.

A towel landed on her head.

"Likin' what you see?" Mr. Conklin joked. "He's not doing that for show, now go shower up. And remember, keep your clothes on!" he shouted as he made his way over to the Mens' side of the wall. She couldn't believe the school system even approved this feild trip. Half-naked students showering with half-naked teachers, never ended in anything good- obviously. She was a great example.

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