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I've been tagged by snowflake_rb to do 13 random facts about myself.  I don't normally do this cause im so lazy and whenever they say "i tag whoever's reading this" i just ignore it, but eh. I got nothing to do and i am bored so let's do this.

Presenting, 13 random facts about me! (Half, no more than half, of these will be weird. I swear. Or maybe even all of it will turn out weird, idk. I'll just write whatever pops in my head.)

1. I am a hudred percent Filipino but I act like I'm American even though I am not even 1% close to being one. Or at least looking alike one, but I got the attitude down already XD

2. I know how to cuss in different languages. I know. Unbelievable.

3. I have a piano, a xylophone and a guitar but the instrument I really want to play is drums.

4. My mom and dad are both great at singing and drawing. And the result, I'm also good at both of those.

5. In a daily basis, I speak more of English rather than Tagalog, which is our country's national language. But my grammar is still not that great.

6. I'm gonna turn 16 at October this year but I still feel like I'm only 14. I honestly sometimes still say I'm only 14, which is just.... awkward.

7. Of all my stuffed toys, my favorite is my fluffy stuffed bunny and polar bear. They're usually ty located beside me or on the corner of my bed.

8. In all my life, I only had 4 non-celebrity crushes. And all of them are related to each other in a way.

9. Speaking of crushes.... I once had a crush on a guy who happens to be the son of my father's ex girlfriend. Mind blowing right? And yes, that's where I basically got that idea that I wrote here in this book.

10. I have a ton of stories on my drafts but I don't publish them because whenever I publish it I suddenly lose all what's in stored for it and end up unpublishing/deleting it.

11. My personality is basically a mixture of the personalities of Merida, Elsa and Rapunzel.

12. My user name used to be jelsalover32 but I changed it because I became a hardcore multishipper.

13. Last but not the least. You all probably know this...... i am a natural at procrastinating.

That is all thank you XD

so i must tag 15 people to also do this tag thingy so I tag all of you, more than 15 but im pretty sure half of you guys won't do it so.....

Yeah. That's about it.

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