chapter 44

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I glanced back at shinohara and he nodded "do it juzo." he said and sat up slowly, his leg was bleeding, It had been hit by part of the ceiling that fell.

I walked out of the door smiling. I saw the ghoul standing on the other side of the large room and the girl behind him. he was wearing a black hoodie and a gas mask. his face was concealed completely. I smiled at him "are you ready to die gasmask?"

he was staring at the ground and started giggling. that ghoul...... its a girl.

the girl behind her backed up, as if she was now scared when she wasn't before. "dragon? are you okay?" she said worried.

gasmask lifted her head and stared at me with her ghoul eyes then screamed "hahaha me?! you think I'm going to die?! you are so wrong! all I see in front of me is food! you are my meal!"

I looked at her and grinned "i like you." I said and ran towards her, I swung my scythe at her legs but she jumped up out of the way grabbing the metal bar above her with her kagune.

I looked up. her kagune..... it was pitch black, like nothing ive ever seen. she was laughing loud "i might just have to eat before I fight you. it seems I haven't eaten in awhile." suddenly another black kagune sprung from her back and grabbed the red haired girl. she screamed. gasmask then squeezed her with the kagune, guts exploded everywhere and blood rained down covering both me and the floor. the girls dead body landed in front of me, but only half of it. the other half was being gruesomely consumed by gasmask. she laughed again "now this is a fairy tale here. the dragon ate the princess. how ironic."

I wiped the blood from my eyes and smiled "you really are great. maybe under different circumstances we would be friends" my smile turned evil and I tightened my grip on the scythe "but today your going to have to die!"

her laughter echoed as she crawled along the ceiling with her kagune like a monster. she moved fast and I could barely keep track of her. then suddenly she was standing in front of me, staring into my eyes with her kagune pointed at me and dripping a black substance. I felt a burn as a drop landed on my shoulder. I was stuck, if I moved my arm could easily be cut off and then my head. I was stuck. I smiled at her "you got me. I was really looking forward to killing you."

she was about to kill me when she suddenly stopped. she stared into my eyes. then her kagune slowly stared to turn red starting from the back and all the way to the tip that was going to kill me. I saw tears form in her eyes. "juuzou.......?"

I stared at her "how do you know my name?" my smiled faded.

she backed up and put her kagune away. she looked at the ground. then she lifted her hand and removed her mask, dropping it on the floor. she pulled her good down revealing bright green hair. then she lifted her head to me.

it was ryu.........

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