Chapter 17: Family History part 2

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Chapter 17: Family History Part 2

     "Adrene are you alright?" David asked.

     "Don't ask me that Dad! You think I'm alright being in a cell! Alright being beaten, asked stupid questions, and chained! But you know are you alright? Haven't seen you in years almost forgot what you looked like!"

     "Sweetheart stop." David said as he came into the cell.

     "No! You stop! Stop acting as if you know who I am, stop acting as if you give a damn! If you did I wouldn't be here, Lucas wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't have lied and left."

     "You know why we left."

     'Yeah to protect me, keep me safe from Lucas right? But why huh? I didn't mean much to you then, I don't now, so tell me. Tell me how you became a hunter, and how it constituted you to leave."


     "No, tell me." Adrene was furious, even as the light disappeared from the sky and only the fire lit in the room, Adrene's red face shone.

     "Your mother and I believed in God and the devil. We believed in the angels just not in the way presented . You see after Lucifer and the angels with him rebelled and were banished to earth we believed that at that moment all the angels were corrupt. Your mother and I soon found out others have thought the same thing for generations, and they became hunters. They hunter the fallen and destroyed them, so your mother and I joined them. We became fully trained hunters and then you came, we took care of you but we didn't want you--."

     "Yes you DIDN'T want me." Adrene said.

     "No we did but it was hard having a child and hunting. So we did it in secret but when you were old enough we sent you to Lisa's. She was to take care of you until you were eighteen, then she would be gone and you could live your life."

     "Well Aunt Lisa did her job and it got her murdered, and you lied you weren't coming back you never were. Were you?"

     "No we weren't coming back Adrene I'm sorry." David said.

     'You didn't even come back when I almost died, When Aunt Lisa did die you didn't come." David looked to the side and swallowed.

     "We, uh, couldn't." He was lying.

     "Wait, you, you didn't?" Adrene began to piece it together. Once Adrene was  eighteen no one needed Lisa she would be "gone", Camron killed her, Camron is a hunter, My parents are hunters and are in charge of him. "You sent Camron to kill Aunt Lisa. Your own sister!"

     "It wasn't easy but it had to be done." David said without a sense of grief.

     "Are all hunters like this? Killing innocent people?" Adrene asked eyes filled with tears.

      "Why don't you ask yourself?"


     "Adrene hunting is in your blood. That is why you were drawn to Lucas, it was instinct. You'll have to kill him, it is who you are... who you are destined to be."

     "No! NO! Your lying!" Adrene began to cry harder and stood up trying to rip the chains out of the wall and charge at David.

     "Why do you think you were so attracted to him?"

     " No! GO!"

     David came and bared an arrow. "Sleep tight sweetie." David then jabbed the arrow into Adrene's thigh without a second thought.

      Adrene cried out in pain, it burned her body. Her body was on fire! She took the arrow out but it still burned.

     "AHHHH!!!!" Adrene screamed doubling over in pain but was pulled back by the chains. "Make it stop! Lucas!" Adrene screamed through the pain and tears.

     "Goodnight sweetie." And with that Adrene was knocked out.


     Lucas was in pain, everything was red in the black night. Sarah had asked so many questions that he had no answers to.

     "Lucas one last question. If Adrene was dead what would you do?" Sarah asked.

     "YOU!" Lucas jumped up in rage tolerating that pain and pushing his chained body at Sarah. His veins stuck out and his wings exposed. "I'll kill you! I swear if you touch her I'll put you through hell! We had a deal!" Lucas cried with rage.

     "Yes but if you don't start answering my questions the deals off!" Sarah yelled as she stabbed Lucas' damaged wings and left.

     "DAMN YOU!" Lucas screamed.

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