Chapter Seventeen

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She stood outside the cell doors as her mate walked inside. A growl echoed through the dungeons as She heard her mate 'get away. You aren't supposed to be in here' frowning the woman stepped closer to the open door and saw her youngest daughter in the room. It was the prisoner that had her attention though as her mate advanced towards the girl.

"What is going on?" A man asked coming up behind the woman. She turned and bowed her head slightly.

"Alpha. Josh is in the prisoners room. He had smelt something off. He followed the trail to the prisoners room. It appears that our youngest daughter, Monique, is in there." The woman relied.

The growling intensified in the cell, it was obvious that her mate was trying to make the prisoner submit, however the prisoner seemed to be stronger.

The woman looked at the young man who had brought the prisoner. "Who is she?" The woman demanded.

He laughed at the woman as he spoke. "Your tone doesn't work on me. I am an alpha. If you want answers ask nicely."

"Colin, I would watch your tone here if I was you. This is my pack and my territory answer my betas question." The alpha said in the woman's defence. He too wanted to know who exactly this prisoner was.

Colin chuckled. "I don't want a fight. The prisoner is Esarosa Lowell." He said.

The Alpha and the woman stood there shocked. Until the woman said "That girl in there is the daughter of a vampire."

Colin laughed again and was joined by his mate. She replied "is the adopted daughter of a vampire."

The alpha voiced the concern with turn of events "having the girl here will mean war. Dr. Lowell is a very respected doctor amongst many packs. Not to mention she is princess."

"No war will come to you all. After all I have simply returned the girl home." Colin said with a smug smile on his face just as the prisoner dashed out the door with Monique right on her heels.

Alpha Lakota was furious with the demoted alpha pup. He wanted to rip the boys throat out. The prisoner dashed out the cell and through the dungeons easily. She headed straight outside followed closely by alpha Lakota's beta. His mate followed him.

"We will continue this conversation later." Alpha Lakota said as he stormed outside. It was easy to follow the small group as growls sounded everywhere. Some pack members began to filter out of their homes and had gathered around a pair of wolves with orange eyes.

Colin came up behind alpha Lakota. "Like my surprise?" He asked laughing as the beta grabbed the white wolf by it's shoulder.

The alpha growled at the boy but didn't say anything. He watched closely as the female wolf protected the pup while fighting his beta. Then in a blur the beta made a mistake and the female wolf took advantage. She grabbed him by the throat and killed him.

The betas mate screamed, Esarosa turned around to face the new threat. The beta's mate stepped forward with tear streaks down her cheeks. "Please don't hurt me. Let me take Monique." Esarosa stepped back keeping her eyes on the woman ahead of her.

Alpha Lakota stepped up just behind the woman. He held his hands out to show he wasn't meaning any harm. Sure he was angry that is beta was now dead but even he saw the mistake. "Please shift back." He said to Esarosa. She shook her massive head as Monique casually walked passed her and headed to the woman.

Alpha Lakota didn't ask again as a wolf suddenly attacked him. He shifted and a battle ensued. Esarosa looked at Monique and the woman. 'Run'
She said as she squared her shoulders and attacked the wolf.


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