Chapter Twenty Eight.

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Aeliana opened her eyes and growled at the she wolf in front of her. Alex quickly came closer. "She is my mate." He whispered. Aeliana looked over at him, a frown forming. "Where am I?" She asked.

"You are at my uncles cabin just on the boarder of the Redrose pack." The she wolf answered backing up a couple steps.

Aeliana once again looked at the girl. "And who are you?"

The girl bowed her head slightly. "Misty. Your highness."

Aeliana laughed lightly. "No need for that. I hate being the princess. Come help me up please."

Both Alex and Misty took one of Aeliana's hands and gently helped her to her feet. At first she was wobbly and darkness covered her eyes. "Whoa." She said just as the pair caught her.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked concerned.

"I stood up, the room began to spin and turned dark."

"You have a head injury princess. Please let me take you to the pack doctor." Then Misty paused for a second frowning slightly. "That is if we still have a pack doctor."

Now both Aeliana and Alex was staring at the girl. "What do you mean?" Aeliana asked.

"Well when Alex and I got here we met my uncle. He is the one who bandaged your head. Anyways we both felt our alpha die. The bond is currently gone. I can't hear anyone."

Now Aeliana was sad for the girl. Loosing the bond of a pack was hard. She still should have a family bond. "And your family?"

Misty furrowed her brows. "Still alive though they aren't talking right now. I can feel a lot of confusion and chaos."

Alex was torn at the sight of his mate almost in tears. But he didn't get a chance to react before Aeliana wrapped her arms around the girl in a hug. "Come. Let's go check on your pack."

Misty returned the hug "but my princess. You are injured. I can't risk you getting hurt more. It would be treason to knowingly put you in danger."

"I can make my own decisions. My parents know I don't listen to anyone." Aeliana laughed lightly. Even Alex laughed. "That's why we are here. We kinda ditched home."

Missy's eyes were huge as the two laughed at misbehaving. "I could never go against an order."

"I am a princess."

"And I am a future alpha."

"We can sorta break the rules." Aeliana and Alex said at the same time.

"Well then. I would like to see what has happened." Misty said quietly.

"Then it's settled. Let's go check on the pack. Plus I think I really should see the doctor. My head feels funny." Aeliana said as she carefully rubbed the side of her head.

"Do you need me to carry you?" Alex asked. This had Misty growling lightly. Alex turned and looked at her. "Friend remember. And the princess." He said.

Misty bowed her head. "Sorry." She muttered.

"It's okay Alex I think I can make it. Just have to stay in human form."


The three took off out of the cabin and headed into the woods. All with their senses on high as they walked slowly towards the pack houses. Each preparing themselves for what they would find.


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