drugs, alcohol, and sex

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third person p.o.v.

The room reeked of drugs, alcohol, and sex. Strobe lights illuminated the dance floor, bodies lighting up like glow sticks.

Some were dancing, feel the rhythm of the music pound beneath their feet, others were getting higher than the Empire State building. The rest were passed out, laying out across tables with drugs pumping through their veins.

The only person not having a good time was a blond sitting at the bar.

Naruto had just broken up with his girlfriend after struggling with coming to terms that he was gay. It didn't go so well. He just needed to be somewhere he could forget.

A woman sat in the empty chair next to him and ordered two shots.

Naruto turned to look at her. She had long blonde hair tied into two loose ponytails, honeycomb eyes, and a chest that could grab anyone's attention.

"See something you like?" She asked, winking at him.

Naruto turned away, ashamed and flustered.

The bartender poured her shots, pushing them towards her.

"Here, I can't finish two," She said, pushing one of the shot glasses towards Naruto.

He wanted to say no, but then the pain came back. He could see Hinata's face, her disgust. It all came back.

So he picked up that shot, threw his head back, and took it.

"That's it" She cheered, throwing up two fingers to the bartender.

Naruto continues to take shots with the woman, not asking questions, not stopping for small talk.

"Come with me," She says finally, grabbing Naruto's wrist, leading him away from the bar.

His vision is blurry, but he can see they're heading to a booth.

"Hey, this guy could use some help," She grinned at the silver-haired man sitting in the booth.

Naruto didn't know what would happen to him. He didn't care.

The woman gripping his wrist continued to talk to the man in a low voice so Naruto couldn't hear. That didn't bother him. When they finally finished talking the woman let go of his wrist, pushing him towards the booth.

The man got up, sauntering over to Naruto.

"Open your mouth," He ordered.

Naruto obeyed like a dog, opening his mouth, allowing the man to put a pill on his tongue.

"Swallow" Naruto obeyed, swallowing the pill.

"What was that?" Naruto asked.

Neither of them answered him.

The woman whispered something to the man, nodding her head at everything he said. She looked at Naruto, winking at him before she left him with the man.

He knows he should be scared, but he isn't. He feels calm, almost safe.

"It makes you lust" The man whispered, each syllable that rolled off his tongue sent sparks through Naruto's body.

His knees felt weak as if he would collapse, but the man held him up.

The raging fire that had consumed his body seemed to subside at the touch of the man, and he needed more.

"What's your name?" Naruto asks, his facing getting closer and closer to the man.

It's also the first time he gets a good look at the man.

He has a scar over his left eye, most likely inflicted by a knife, his hair was silver, and he had a mole below his mouth on the left side.

"Kakashi" Naruto watches his lips, mouthing each syllable.


"Dance with me Kakashi" Naruto pulls away from Kakashi, hoping that the man follows him onto the dance floor.

Naruto's not even sure how to dance, but he moves to the beat of the music.He's surprised when hands wrap around his waist.

"It's just me" Kakashi's voice soothes, allowing Naruto to relax under his touch.

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