28 | Let's Kill Tonight

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Let's Kill Tonight

Third Person P. O. V.

The blonde and silver haired males clime over a fence, the sign saying to stay out being completely ignored. When they got on the other side they ran to the abandoned building, spray paint cans in their hands. You see, these teenagers were rather rebellious and didn't care for the law and higher authorities. They spent their younger years prodigies and perfect kids, well not anymore. They wanted to rebel and revel in it.

"Kakashi, what should we put?" The blonde asked his partner. Kakashi shrugged as he realized he hadn't thought that part through very well. Of course they could put their initials, but something else had to be there to complete it. The blonde began to think a he was an artist. Maybe a fox since he was cunning and smart. A wold for Kakashi as he was gorgeous yet dangerous as well. The blonde nodded his head at his choices, and began to spray the orange paint, then the silver one.

"How about a fox and a wolf," he shook the can as it was almost out," and our initials. A trademark if we plan to do this again." The blonde said as he finished up their initials, then taking a step back o admire it. Kakashi will always admire how beautiful the blondes art was. The wolf seemed to wrap around the fox, their initials just beneath it. He smirked seeing as he was the one to tell the blonde they should rebel.

"Oh Naruto, this is the reason I love you" Kakashi said as he pulled Naruto in for a kiss. Yes the 2 males were in fact gay. This was one of the few reasons they rebelled against their parents. Kakashi's father had forbidden him from seeing Naruto, and vice versa for the blonde. The ideals their parents had for them, didn't fit with their own. If only they were excepting of their sexuality, then maybe they would still be perfect children.

"Well Kakashi, what shall we do next? Exploring the building seems very fun ya know? It's so spooky haha" The blonde chuckled as he exaggerated. The building wasn't much of a building since half of it was gone. It should have been 2 stories, but it seemed the 2nd one collapsed long ago. The blonde pulled Kakashi to the entrance as he wanted to see what was inside.

"Come on Kakashi Hatake, stop being a lazy bastard!" Naruto yelled as he ran into the building, disappearing from sight. Kakashi sighed as he sped up a little bit in search for Naruto. For as long as he could remember, Naruto was an energetic boy. He almost had a hard time keeping up with him even though they were the same age. Maybe this was exactly why he loved him, because he brightened up his world.

"Naruto! Come out baby or else I will leave you! You know I will Naruto!" Kakashi called out as he searched through rubbish to find the boy. He looked around the building to see if there were any hiding places. He could see what looked to be a kitchen, and maybe a dining room. It seemed the house belonged to rich folk, making what they stumbled upon an abandoned mansion. Maybe one day he could live in a house like this with his Naruto. Of course he already did, but his dad was there.

"I'm over here Kakashi!" Naruto yelled out. Kakashi sighed as he walked pass the dining room, and past what looked to be a staircase. A couch sat in what may have been the living room, and a blonde stood right by it. Naruto seemed to be smiling down at the torn couch, making Kakashi question if his lover was completely sane right now.

"It would be nice Kakashi, to have a place of our own. And we could adopt children and start a new family. One where everyone is accepted." A lone tear escaped from the blue eyes that usually held happiness. Kakashi smiled at his blonde, and walked over to him. He engulfed Naruto in a tight hug, whispering 'I know' over and over again. He wished they could run away, but not until they turned 18 and legally didn't have to be with their parents.

"You know what Naruto, let's kill tonight! Let's go find parties as I know a few are going on right now. Let's drink alcohol and have the time of our lives. Let's live out this night a little longer, okay?" Kakashi asked the blonde as he tilted his chin up and kissed him. The blonde mumbled a yes as he kissed Kakashi back, before pulling away with a smile on his face.

"But first, you have to catch me Kakashi." The blonde yelled out as he ran away from Kakashi. The silver hair male sighed as he began to run for his blonde.

It's been a while, hasn't it? Did you miss the short, cheesy one shots that made you smile? I know I did. So I've had a computer the whole Summer, but I didn't want to update. I wanted to spend time with my squad and family, so sue me. But here it is, a new one shot for my lovelies. Thank you all for over 400 votes and 5k reads. I didn't think anyone would care to read or even vote on my one shots. Thank you all so much, because I love you for this. Bye everyone.


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