23 | Somebody That I Use To Know

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Somebody That I Use To Know

prepare for feels :P

Third Person P. O. V.

"Kakashi, I have to ask you something...you have to promise to tell the truth, alright?" the blondes voice shook as he truly didn't want to ask what he was going to ask, especially over the phone. It would be awkward and he felt as if what he was going to ask was something that was meant to be said in person. But he could not wait any longer as he had known about this for weeks now.

"Yes Naruto. Ask me anything but please hurry, they want me in court soon" Kakashi's voice was laced with worry and concern for what was wrong with his boyfriend. He hoped the long distance thing wasn't getting to him seeing as it was only for 2 more days. He had to go away for his job, and it had taken a toll on Naruto. But that wasn't the case.

"I have been talking with Iruka and all" The blonde lets out a small cry," and h-he told m-me y-you had cheated on me with Y-Yamato-o..." The line went silent as Naruto pulled away from the phone so that he could cry. God he hated that he had to do this, but he needed to be sure. For all he know Iruka could have lied. But he knew that wasn't the case. Iruka had never told a lie and less it was something as simple as who took the last cookie.

"N-Naruto...I...What happened was...You see...Yes, I did sleep with Yamato, but it was a one time thing. We were both drunk and he had come onto me, and I did nothing to stop him..." Kakashi began to explain why he had cheated, but everything had blended together after Kakashi said he did. He was heart broken. His lover confessed, and he wanted it to all be a lie. A gag.

"Why Kakashi? Was I not good enough for you? Did you feel that I was not good enough? Answer me goddammit!" Naruto yelled into the phone as he was now pissed off at his lover. Or soon to be ex lover. He almost threw the phone at the wall, but he wanted to see what Kakashi would say. How dare he do this to him. Maybe Obito was right after all. Maybe Kakashi was a piece of shit and he should have never fallen for him.

"..." Kakashi said absolutely nothing as he knew doing say might have angered the blonde further.

"You better answer or so help me god I will hang up! Kakashi I don't know why you even went drinking with Yamato when you knew how I felt about him. You knew that he still liked you, yet you went out and took drinks with him? How dare you, you bastard!" Naruto was now crying furiously now. He clenched his fist as he so badly wanted to punch Kakashi and Yamato as well. Damn the both of them, those bastards.

"You do not control my life Naruto. I hang out with Yamato because he is my friend. He was an important person in my life, and he changed me for the better. So yes, I went to have drinks with him knowing how you felt about him. I knew he still loved me." Kakashi was now angry that Naruto was trying to control him. But what did it matter, it wasn't like they were gonna be together forever. nothing was forever.

"How. Fucking. Dare. You. After everything I gave up to you, this is how I am treated? You know what? Obito was right for leaving you," Kakashi winced," and I should have listened when he told me you were no good. But I was in love, and also stupid. He warned me, he said this would happen. You CHEATER!" Naruto spat every word at as if it left a horrible taste in his mouth. Kakashi was hurt because his ex lover had been mentioned. History seemed to repeat itself.

"...Naruto...I'm sorry it's just that I know I fucked up, and I know you probably won't forgive me but.." He was cut off by the blonde.

"Probably won't? No, I won't. Not even if you were the last man on earth. I would pick a girl over you Kakashi, Sakura even. You fucked up, and you're going to live with it. When you come home, your shit will be in the front" Naruto was infuriated, but he was not done. And neither was Kakashi. Naruto felt as if he could go on forever, but he didn't want to hold Kakashi up from "court".

"Please! I love you Naruto more then anyone. it was an honest mistake, you have to forgive me Naruto" Kakashi began to cry as he begged Naruto to take him back. He truly loved the blonde, and he knew he messed up bad, but he wanted to be with him forever. He knew he messed up with Obito, and he wanted to make things right. But history truly does repeat.

"No. It's like you're a different person Kakashi. It's like you were somebody that I use to know, and now a new person is here. You have changed, but for the worse and I can't be with you anymore" Naruto was ready to hang up as it hurt too much to hear his ex lover beg him for forgiveness. Tears poured down his cheeks as he had to hear Kakashi scream at him to not hang up, and for him to forgive him. It hurt too much.

"Please Naruto! I love you please! I lo..." Naruto ended the call.

Short. Sweet. Not so sweet. So this one was based off of Somebody That I Use To Know and I just read a book about Naruto Kik messages so I came up with this. So there may have been less feel then expected, but they were there. I feel the need to ruin lives with my one-shots, and so far I am accomplishing that. I also want to thank you guys for over 2k reads and 200 votes. I promise one day these one-shots will be amazing so just wait. Tbh my favorite was When You Love mostly because I wrote that when taking a bath and I even cried writing it. Please comment your favorite one-shot from this book, or your favorite one-shot from me in general. Tell me what type of KakaNaru stories you want to see and I will work on that. Bye everyone.


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