ya know?

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Naruto's P. O. V.

I ran into the hospital room, not caring if I bothered anyone. Sakura and Sasuke sat in front of Kakashi's room, but they didn't say anything to me. Sasuke muttered something about kakashi going to be mad when he woke up. If he did. I opened the door to the room, leaving my teammates outside. they wouldn't bother me. I know they won't. Kakashi was on the bed, a heart monitor beeping very slowly. A tube connected to his throat, and wires were attached to his arms. My heart was breaking at the sight of him like that.

"You're suppose to live, ya know?" I say aloud. His body doesn't move. He seems dead already. I stand at his side, running my fingers over the blanket that covered him. He was suppose to live longer then me. And he will. A tear slipped down my cheek and onto the blanket that covered him. Another one fell after that. Each tear that slipped off of my cheek and onto his blanket, made me believe that this was all real. Why did he have to try and save Sasuke and I? We had the situation under control. But he had to protect us. He had to protect me.

"You're a stupid, pervy, selfish scarecrow. Did you know that?" I asked him. My fist balled up, and I wanted to punch something. Anything would have worked. Instead I stroked Kakashi's cheek. His cheek was so cold, I didn't like that feeling. Before this happened, I could still remember the kiss he placed on my lips. I can remember the way he caressed my cheek. I remember that infamous eye smile that made me want to melt into a puddle. I remember how mad I was when he pushed me away from the kunai of the missing nin. How he had mumbled 3 words to me.

"You BASTARD!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!" I screamed out. He didn't flinch at how loud I was like he used to do. I could hear his voice scolding me "Naruto, please be quieter my love". His words echoed inside of my head. I took my hands off of his cheeks, and moved away from him. The man I loved was dying in front of me. And all I could do was watch it happen. The doctors may have known, they might not. But I knew he wasn't going to make it. But he needed to live longer, for me. He owed me that much.

"Do you remember when I confessed my love to you?" he didn't answer," I had drank 4 bottles of Sake and you had to carry me home. I had grabbed your butt when we were walking, and said I liked the way it moved. And then you said would I like to see it, and do you remember what I said?" again, no answer," I said I would show you mine, if you showed me yours." I laughed as I recalled that moment. It was blurry, but I could still remember it. I had said that I loved him after he put me in my bed. He kissed me, and said he would see me the next day. It was my favorite memory.

"You told me this would be forever. Did you lie? Did you mean it? Did I mean it? Did I lie to you?" I asked myself out loud. I could feel Kakashi's embrace around me, yet his body was still on the bed. I had imagined it. I hopped onto the bed, snuggling closer to him. My hands wrapped around his waist, and my nose was buried in his neck. The heart monitor picked up it's speed a little, so now it was at a normal rate. he was going to make it after all.

"Nurse?!" Sakura called out. Their footsteps approached the door. 3 figures appeared from the door. Sakura, Sasuke, and Tsunade. They ran to the bed, and i jumped off of it. I grabbed Kakashi's hand as his eyes fluttered open. The mismatched eyes darted around the room before they settled on Tsunade. Sakura was in tears, and Sasuke held her. Not in a romantic way, but a comforting one. Sasuke seemed to be crying as well. Seems like that Uchiha had a heart somewhere inside of him. I laughed at that.

"What happened?" kakashi asked, his voice a little hoarse. Sakura looked at Tsunade, and Tsunade looked at Sasuke. But I stared at Kakashi, admiring how he still looked beautiful. How could a man look like a God, even if he looked like he was dying? It must be some type of Jutsu. Sakura broke away from Sasuke's hug, and faced our Sensei. They completely ignored me. Kakashi was getting impatient now, and it was very noticeable in the glare he gave them.

"So, when you took the Kunai to the stomach" Sakura's voice cracked," Naruto lost it. He attacked the missing nin. The missing nin had placed Naruto in a genjutsu, and it all happened so quick. Naruto was forced to kill himself. Naruto is dead." Sakura broke out into more tears. Sasuke held her once more. Tsunade had to leave the room with Sakura and Sasuke following her. This left me and kakashi alone.

"You're here, aren't you?" He asked out loud. I smiled a bit. He wouldn't be able to see the smile. Tears poured out of his eyes, and I could hear his heartbreak. I smiled as I got closer to him. I bent over so I could kiss him on the cheek. His cheek was now warm, but the cold tears were in the way. His eyes flashed to where I was. He could sense me, but he can't see me. He smiled a bit. And then he laughed. Maybe the man I loved had gone crazy.

"I'm going to miss talking to you, ya know?" he laughed again. I couldn't help but laugh as well. he had used my verbal tic. His laughing died down, now turning into sobs. I rubbed his leg, trying to comfort him. A light started to appear behind me. It was time for me to go. I begged for Kami to make me visible so kakashi could see me one last time. It must have worked because he gasped, and tried to grab my hand that was rubbing his thigh.

" You have to live, ya know?" and with that, I disappeared from his sight. I was going to wait for him in Kami's palace. I would wait as long as it would take. I loved him, ya know?

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