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I was asked to make an innocent kakanaru one-shot. As you know I don't do 'innocent' at all because i find it sometimes boring. But, I do want to make everyone happy. So enjoy an innocent one shot, for once. I promise no sadness or bad things. Just cheesy goodness.


Third Person P. O. V.

Naruto stared at his sensei, watching the man spar with Sasuke. It was rather interesting because it seemed Kakashi was not even trying. Of course that pissed Sasuke off, and thus making it more enjoyable for Naruto. But the real reason he couldn't keep his eyes off of the fight, was because of Kakashi Hatake. Yes, Naruto was gay and absolutely proud. And his crush was none other then his sensei.

"Come on Sasuke-kun! I know you can do it!" Sakura screeched out. Naruto smiled at her, finding it cute how she chased after Sasuke. It was kinda like how he chased after Kakashi, except he had little chances in succeeding. He sighed, and continued to watch Kakashi dodge each attack with grace. It reminded him of dancing, but a dangerous dance it was. Naruto hoped the fight would end soon so Naruto could talk to Kakashi, 1 to 1.

"Come on sensei we don't have all day! I want to go eat ramen already" He shouted. Kakashi turned his head and eye smiled before he turned back to Sasuke. It made Naruto happy that he was acknowledged by his sensei, maybe there was hope. All his time of being a genin under Kakashi, he admired him which slowly turned into love. Of course Kakashi most likely saw him as a son, or maybe a comrade.

"Patience Naruto, you need to learn to be patient." Kakashi said in a weirdly happy tone. How dare he mention patience to him as he had none. It wasn't his fault he was impulsive and couldn't wait. Maybe he got that from his parents, so they were at fault, not him. Naruto just sighed in response and sat on the ground to wait the fight out. Sakura mimicked him knowing that Sasuke would not give up until he was almost dead.

In that time Naruto decided to think back on the many times he had tried to get close to Kakashi. He remembered he once slept in the same tent as Kakashi, and said the reason he got close to him was because 'he was a restless sleeper'. Kakashi had questioned it for a bit, but soon let it go seeing as Naruto was restless. Thank god Naruto had rehearsed that lie or maybe Kakashi would have found out he liked him.

The next time was on the mission to the wave. After the fight with Zabuza and Gato's men, Naruto found himself tending to Kakashi's wounds. As the blonde cleaned up the scratches on his chest, his hands lingered a bit too long. It wasn't his fault Kakashi had such a well built body. SO he did what any gay, hormonal teenage boy would do. He decided to get a feel. When Kakashi realized this Naruto just said he was feeling for any more scratches he couldn't see.

Lie after lie, Naruto was very sure Kakashi was catching on to the fact he liked him. Even Sasuke had questioned it, which lead to him coming out. So that could have possibly lead to the spar happening now as the raven said he would spar with Kakashi, and Naruto could get a good look at him. But the blonde was getting rather impatient as he wanted to confess his feelings, and Sasuke was not stopping.

"Tch, I'm still stronger then all of you" Sasuke said as he was finally beaten by Kakashi. Sakura ran towards Sasuke, engulfing him in a hug when she reached him. And surprisingly he didn't push her away, nor did he hug her back. Naruto smiled as he saw the two walk away, leaving him alone with Kakashi. This was his chance, he could come out to him and tell him how he felt. There was no backing out as Naruto already called out for Kakashi and walked towards him.

"I have something very important to tell you Kakashi sensei. It's regarding me and you..." Naruto trailed off as he began to sweat. Kakashi stood in front of him, making it harder to talk. Muscles flexed and his eye glanced down at him. His body sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, and heat darted towards his face. Naruto was now blushing and shaking in front of the man he loved, and he was mortified by it.

"What is it Naruto? Is something the matter? Are you not feeling well, because you seem to be burning up" Kakashi said as he put his hand to Naruto's cheek. The boy almost fainted at the soft touch of Kakashi's hands. He couldn't do this, but he had no choice. He took deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down enough to speak. Kakashi could only stare at his student with worry in his eyes, as it seemed the blonde was troubled by something.

"Well it's just that I am gay Kakashi," the older male didn't look surprised," and I have a crush on you. Before you reject me I just want to say that I know a sensei-genin relationship is taboo, but I can't help it. I like who I like." Naruto finished as he tried to look away from his sensei. Looking into his eyes to see disappointment was something he didn't want. After everything he has went through, losing Kakashi's respect would hit him hard.

"Okay" was the simple word he replied with. Naruto turned to face Kakashi, wondering if he was mad or anything. The older male seemed normal, as if nothing had fazed him. Did he not care Naruto was gay? Or even the fact that he liked him? It kinda hurt seeing such a little reaction come from him, but oh well. He did what he said he would, and he knew what the outcome would be. The blonde turned around and began to walk back home.

"So, I don't get a kiss goodbye?"

Yay another one-shot! I think this may have been one of the most innocent one-shots ever typed by me. I actually enjoyed typing this as it surprisingly took 30 minutes lol. Well this book is coming to an end around chapter 35. I am thinking of going to either 40 or 50. I honestly have no clue as I am running out of ideas. So please comment some as I am in need of them. Although I have gotten request to do spin off one shots or even different perspectives on some. Maybe I should do those. Well I hope you enjoyed this one shot, so please comment and vote. Please forgive me as I am trying to update My Past Love, and it's taking a lot of time. Bye everyone.


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