15 | Sun And Moon Spirits

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Sun And Moon Spirits

Third Person P. O. V.

"The sun and the moon are great spirits ya know?" Sakura asked Sasuke. Both lovers stared up at the sky, watching the sun go down and the moon come up. Sasuke rolled his eyes, not liking that she would be interested in such a story. He knew that the moon chased the sun, but could never catch up. They were spirits in love, chasing after one another. But they never did reach each other.

"Yes sweetie, I have already heard about this story." He said in a bored tone. The pink haired girl slapped the stomach of her boyfriend as they both lay on a grassy hill. She hated it when he would act bored and tough. She wanted him to show some emotion and interest. So she decided to tell him the actual story of the sun and the moon.

"That's not the true story. The moon was actually a spirit named Kakashi while the sun was a spirit named Naruto. Both were male spirits that fell in love with each other because of one night a year that they were able to come down to earth and spend a night with each other." Sakura seemed to catch Sasuke's attention as he now looked at her, pleading for her to continue.

"Please continue.." He said, wanting to know what the story was about. Sakura laughed at how easily she had gotten him to stay focused. But the story was indeed a great story, one that she loved to read over and over again. Mostly because it did not say the spirits were opposite genders. This story was different and unique in its own way.

"Long ago there was a day that the sun and moon spirits could meet with one another, that day was the night of the blue moon" (A/N So Kakashi and Naruto are spirits, not the actual moon and sun itself. It's like they are the spirits of the sun and moon, and they are leaving there "bodies". Think of the legend of korra and her spirit state).

(the story)

The moon rose up to the night sky. The blue light of it reflected in the water. It was the night of the blue moon. Families in the village of Konoha partied in the streets by their homes, celebrating the beauty of the moon. But they were also celebrating the eternal love of Kakashi and Naruto.

"I hope they find each other" a man whispered to his friends. They nodded in agreement. The sun and the moon spirit would finally be able to be with each other. Laughter filled the village as the people ignored the lights in the forest. One light was a golden light, warm and fuzzy. Then another light appeared beside it, a grey mixed with blue. The sun and the moon.

"Kakashi-Baka" The golden boy teased. His kin was sun kissed and his hair was golden. He wore what seemed to be a white kimono with gold flakes on it. The supposed Kakashi-Baka was in a dark blue kimono, white-gold decorating it as if to imitate stars. The golden boy looked into the eyes of the moon spirit before he wrapped his arms around the mans waist. Naruto was probably a good 5'11 while Kakashi was 6'5 (A/N not the real heights).

"If it isn't my favorite golden boy..." Kakashi chuckled as he hugged Naruto. The blonde let out a little noise showing his hate for the pet name. The moon spirit laughed at that, loving how his little golden boy was acting. The moon spirit seemed the opposite of Naruto. He had grey hair that defied gravity, and cold grey eyes. They were complete opposites yet they were perfect for each other. The gray haired man lifted Naruto's chin up, making them meet each other eyes.

"It's been a long time Kaka-Tsuki" Naruto murmured. He didn't want to waste his time talking, so he placed his lips on Kakashi's lips, savoring they way they tasted. The moon spirit was caught off guard by his Taiyo. Soon he kissed back, placing his hands on Naruto's waist. The kiss seemed to last for hours, yet it had only been a few minutes.

"Why do we have such little time?" Kakashi whispered. The moon spirits heart always broke when he would meet with Naruto once a year. Kakashi knew the answer to his question, but he still had to ask. Naruto shook his head at Kakashi, muttering how troublesome that question was. Naruto pulled away from Kakashi signing at him.

"I made the deal, to forever be with the man I love. The only way to do so was by making a deal to become the sun spirit after he was cursed to be the moon spirit. Best decision in my life..." Naruto replied as he touched Kakashi's cheek, comforting him. Kakashi nudged his face into the hand, enjoying the warmth Naruto gave off.

"Hold me, Tsuki."Naruto said as he laid on the grass beneath him. Kakashi smiled at his golden boy as he brought himself down to the ground. He had always loved to hold Naruto, mostly because he was cold and Naruto was warm. That might have been due to the fact that Naruto was the sun spirit and he was the moons spirit.

"Forever, my Taiyo?" The grey haired man asked. Naruto smiled as he was wrapped into the arms of Kakashi, his face buried in the night sky looking kimono. The moon spirit pulled back from Naruto so he could face him. He wanted to look into the eyes of his golden boy when he said it to him. Naruto stared with a loving face, blushing as he thought of a possible answer.

"For eternity, my Tsuki." Naruto replied back. Kakashi kissed Naruto again, ignoring the sun that seemed to rise and the moon setting. The sun spirit broke the kiss, staring at the sky to see the 2 objects. A tear flowed down his cheek, followed by another one. He couldn't stop the tears as he watched the moon leave, and both him and his lover's bodies seem to start to fade.

"My sunshine, my only sunshine.." Kakashi had begun to sing the song his golden boy loved. Naruto couldn't help but hold Kakashi in an embrace as their bodies started to fade away.

"you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." and with that the blue moon was gone, and so was Kakashi. Naruto returned to his sun, looking at the sky in search for his beloved moon. But he would never see him until the next year.

(present time)

"So, that is the true tale of the sun and the moon." Sakura ended. Sasuke laid on the grass, staring at the sun and the moon. He actually liked the story, and he felt bad for how the moon and son had to wait a year to be with each other. Sakura was happy that Sasuke actually paid any attention to her. So they didn't seem to notice the golden boy and they grey man standing behind them. Both of them holding hands.

"I am glad to know people still enjoy our tale, Kakashi-Baka." Naruto said in a hushed tone as he watched the 2 lovers laugh and joke around. Such beautiful love. Kakashi stared at Naruto with a blank face, not caring to waist there precious time on foolish lovers.

"Forever Taiyo?" Kakashi asked. A smile creeped up onto his face as he turned to face Naruto.

"Forever Tsuki" Naruto responded as he leaned over to kiss Kakashi.

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