11 | I Love You Which Is Why I Am Doing This

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I Love You Which Is Why I Am Doing This

Kakashi's P. O. V.

30 Minutes until it happens

I look towards Naruto, making sure he understood what I meant. His smile seemed a bit too big, and that's how I knew something was wrong. I understood a mask better then anyone, so his was easy to see through. Sakura glared at Naruto seeing that she named him for Sasukes defection. I could only watch the boy I loved, and hope Sakura didn't pummel him into the ground.

"so we will no longer be searching for Sasuke." I said louder then before. Sakura looked towards me now, her eyes wide with horror. A fist collided with my stomach, but I kept my posture. It didn't hurt. To me. Naruto shook his head, but I knew that he understood. He even took the news better the Sakura, proving something is wrong.

"Okay, see you late everybody." Naruto whispered, then walked away. I watched as his whole body disappeared from my view, and all I could make out was his blonde hair. I turned towards Sakura to see her crying. Her whole body shook with each sob, and all I could do was look at here.

15 minutes until it happens

Naruto's P. O. V.

My wrist were red and raw from the blade. Blood flowed through the wounds, and fell to the floor. I made sure to not go deep enough to kill me. I only needed the pain gone. The pain of losing Sasuke. Although I didn't love him anymore, I made a promise to Sakura, and I intended to keep that promise. I wrapped a clothe around my wrist so I didn't bleed out.

"I'm going to find him. No matter what."I said aloud. My heart ached, thinking about the other person I liked. A faint smile appeared just thinking about him. I filled a backpack up with supplies to last me for a few weeks. I was going to need so much food, but I won't be gone that long. I packed the blade I used to cut myself, just in case.

10 minutes until it happens

Kakashi's P. O. V.

I started to walk to Naruto's apartment after watching Sakura cry. It was so uncomfortable , and she even tried to hug me. I reached for the doorknob on his door, but I found it open. I pushed the old door, looking into Naruto's place. The smell of blood hit my nose, and I could feel my fear coming back to me.

"Naruto!!!" I yelled out. I searched the entire place, but nothing was found. A bowl of uncooked Ramen sat on the table. I opened it, revealing a small note. I read it over and over again, but each time I tried to deny this is what Naruto was doing. How could he leave me for Sasuke? I was much better, and I would never hurt him. That damn Uchiha was messing with what is mine.

5 Minutes until it happens

Naruto's P. O. V.

I could see the border of the Land of Fire. Crossing over without an order to do so, would make me become a missing ninja. But Sasuke was worth it. Sakura was worth it. And making sure Konoha gets what it wants will be worth it. Tears stung my eyes as they dripped down my cheeks.

"Stop!!!!" A voice called out. Kakashi appeared behind me, yelling for me to stop. And that's what I did, but I was only 2 feet away from the border. I was going to cross no matter what he said. He walked closer to me, his face getting dangerously close. He yanked his mask down, revealing a perfect jawline and plump lips. His lips collided with mine, and I leaned into the kiss.

"Stay with me. Please." He ordered against my lips. I shook my head as I continued to kiss him. His eyes were filled with sorrow and I felt bad for leaving him. His eyes traveled to the dirt, and he soon realized what I had done.

"You crossed?" He questioned. I nodded, wiggling my feet so he knew. I took my forehead protector off, and grabbed a kunai out of my pouch. Kakashi just watched as I dragged the blade across the leaf symbol. I threw the kunai in front of Kakashi, making him jump back a bit.

1 minute until it happens

Kakashi's P. O. V.

I couldn't understand why Naruto would do such a thing. I loved him, and I knew he felt the same way. Yet he still chooses Sasuke over me. I gave him my everything, but he wants someone that retried to kill him. I couldn't understand why Naruto would do that. It didn't make sense. So I had one question to ask him,

It happens

Naruto's P. O. V.

"Say you'll love me?" He asked me. I wrapped the forehead protected around my arm, trying not to look him in the eye. If I do, then I would cry. I couldn't cry if nothing happened yet. But I still looked him in the eye, and those tears threatened to spill once again. I turned away from him, I couldn't bare to look at the man I love any longer.

"I love you, which is why I am doing this." I whispered so he heard. I went into a sprint, knowing he wouldn't follow. His calls for me to stop broke my heart, and his threats to get the ANBU hurt. He loved me too much. I was a demon, a demon that drove away the last Uchiha.

"I love you......Kakashi Hatake......" I whispered to myself.

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