7 | When You Love

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When You Love

Dear Kakashi,

When you love, you don't let go. I had lived by that my whole life, and then I fell in love with Sasuke. He was the love of my life. He had a dangerous aura around him that I was attracted to. And when he smiled, it melted my heart. If you are not suppose to let the one you love go, then why did I do that? He left me for power, and I even confessed to him as we battled. I was rejected, and I had lost my love for him. I had let the one I love, go. Then i started to think about who else I could love.

When You Love, you don't let go. So when I had gotten feelings for Hinata, I felt complete. I no longer felt different, and I felt normal. Hinata was my first, and I wouldn't change that. She would always blush when I looked at her in public, and she always looked like a tomato. Then she had to screw Kiba on the couch we bought together. my life fell apart, but I understood the fact that she loved him, not me. So I had let another love of mine go.

When You Love, you don't let go. So when I fell back in love with Sakura, I was happy. i had liked her for some time when I was younger, and confused. She had such pretty hair, but she was in love with Sasuke. that's why she dated me, because I reminded her of him. We would have sex with each other, but there was no love behind it. Then I caught her with Shikamaru, and i asked myself why this happened to me. they didn't stay together, she probably needed a reason to leave me. So yet again, I let the person I love, go.

When you love, you don't let go. That's when I had fallen back in love with Sasuke. He had returned to the village after he killed his brother. My heart jumped at the thought of being with him. I ran to the gates, searching for the man I loved. But all I saw was him kissing Sakura. there was love in that kiss, a passion that Sakura never showed me. My heart broke, seeing the 2 people I loved be together. So I let both of them go, deciding I would never look back.

When You love, you don't let go. So when i saw all of my friends together, it broke my heart. Everybody was happy, but me. I watched as everyone moved on with their lives, even having children. Even you had someone, well I thought you had. You were the famous Copy Ninja, you couldn't be single. But I was a demon, a demon that no one would love. I had let all of the people I loved, go. Did I do the right thing?

When you love, you don't let go. So when my attraction for you became stronger, I hoped you were the one. Everyone I loved had left me. But you had no one else. So I had a chance. I would try to flirt with you, hinting that I liked you. But you ignored me, only focusing on the precious Uchiha. That's all anybody cares about, Sasuke. He defected from the village, and killed our allies. But you didn't care. I loved you, and it hurt me that you didn't feel the same. So I had to let you go.

I was going to confess my love for you, but I caught you kissing Iruka. It broke my heart, and that's when I knew I wasn't loved. I went home that night, tired of being hurt. My heart couldn't take it anymore. I decided to write this letter, letting you know how I felt. I wanted them to know why I was in pain. And why I had ended my own pain. I am sorry Kakashi, but it had to be done. A demon couldn't be loved. So when I loved, I let go.  Let everyone go, even those who I didn't fall in love with.

When You Love, you don't let go. So when I kissed you, why did you turn away? You hadn't said anything to me. We never spoke about what I had done, and you went back to Iruka. So I had thought to myself that you were like the others, a person that doesn't love me. So I let you go, and you were the hardest of them all. I wish i had known sooner that I had liked you, maybe i wouldn't have written this letter, or did what I had done.

When you love, you don't let go. That's a lie, because I have. The knife is the only thing I truly loved, and it loved me, for it saved me. It took my life, letting me leave everyone with one less burden. So by the time you have found this, I will be dead. I loved you Kakashi. I still love you. And if you ever feel the same way, I will be waiting. Because even if I let you go, I will never be free of the love I felt for you. It will be there, constant reminder of what I had felt.

So, my last words for you Kakashi, so you can make Iruka happy:

When you love, you never let go.


Naruto Uzumaki

P. S. I will be watching you. I will know if you hurt Iruka. So don't try anything funny.

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