22 | Rejection

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Third Person P. O. V.

Rejection. Does anyone truly know what rejection feels like? No, we are not talking about your crush turning you down or even your friends not wanting to be near you. This rejection is something that comes from the emotion love, and when it hits it makes a mess of everything. A blonde named Naruto Uzumaki had faced some of the worst types of rejection yet still moved on.

1st Rejection

It started with the village. Naruto was young and knew nothing of the cruel world. His mother and father had sealed the nine tails within him, and thus the hate from the villagers had been directed towards him, not the fox. As he grew up and was able to leave the care of others, everything went wrong. Villagers glared at him, told their children to stay away as he was a demon that would devour their souls. And the sad part was that they listened. Many of the kids hid from Naruto, some even went as far as to beat him, just in case they had a chance of destroying the beast their parents feared. For the first time in his life, he was rejected by those he wanted to protect. This rejection did not get to him, but it did hurt. It hurt to know he would have to work ten times harder in order to achieve what he wanted just because someone hated him. He was determined to become a hero in their eyes and earn their respect. that was all he ever wanted any way. He wanted to be respected by his village, and he would be if he was Hokage.

The blonde had been through quite a few rejections, and each one he came back stronger then before. Sometimes he would sit in his room and wonder why he had to be the one to bear this pain. But of course he did not wish it for anyone else, so maybe it was better if he had this pain. But rejection truly hurt, and it affected him in ways no one imagined.

2nd Rejection

The second time was the rejection he would never forget. His friend Sasuke Uchiha had left him. Now he couldn't believe that seeing as he had the first bond in a long time with him. The times he had spent arguing with the Uchiha was the closest he had ever gotten to know what it felt like to have siblings. When he would try to surpass Sasuke he felt as if he wanted to show he was better then his brother. So when Sakura was found sleeping on a bench it broke his heart to know she had been knocked out by Sasuke so he could leave. What gave him the right to break off all his bonds and just up and leave. After the many times he had risked his life for Sasuke because the teme wanted to show off, and this was how he was repaid. Anger boiled in his blood, and for the first time in a long time the Nine tails had taken control of him. When Sasuke and him fought each other at The Valley of The End the nine tails broke free, but Naruto was able to keep control. But the rejection was enough to cause him to almost give in. This was something he had never experienced, and he wished he would never have to feel this again.

When Naruto realized Sasuke was never coming back he was infuriated. He decided to go and train until he was strong enough to bring him back. How could he be hokage if he let everyone down? How could he defend his village if he couldn't fight the Uchiha? He had to become stronger, and hopefully he would never face rejection again. But that wasn't the case.

3rd Rejection

The third rejection was unlike any other mostly because it caused so much pain over a misunderstanding. The blonde had returned from training with the Sage and was ready to go and find Sasuke, but something was different. His sensei seemed to catch his eye, and he didn't know why. He had never had an attraction to the older male, so experiencing these feelings for him was something new. The blonde tried over and over again to get his teachers attention, and one day luck was on his side. After getting back from fighting some Akatsuki he had been told Kakashi would train him. He was happy as he could finally spend some time alone with the man he had slowly fell in love with. But of course someone had to be there to ruin his chances of ever being happy. Sakura always visited along with the creepy boy Sai. And Yamato was usually close by as well, making sure the nine tails stayed in check. So when Naruto finally got Kakashi alone it had all went wrong. The older male did not mean to make the boy upset, all he said was that this relationship was forbidden, and it was taboo. But that didn't mean Kakashi didn't like him, but it was too late. The blonde had already ran before Kakashi could say he liked him too. The pain of this rejection was something he had never felt. Was this how Sakura felt when Sasuke kept denying her love? He couldn't bear it any longer. No more pain. No more rejection...

This rejection was something Naruto had never experienced. Uzumaki's had always loved intensely so rejection would be something that really hurt them. Naruto had cried his way home, stopping every now and then to catch his breath. It truly did hurt. It hurt to breath. It hurt to walk. It hurt to think. It hurt to be alive. Everything hurt him, and he didn't want it to hurt anymore.

4th Rejection

The last rejection was everything built up inside of him. The rejection of the villagers. The rejection of his friend. The rejection of the one he loved. Every single rejection had been combined into one massive feeling, and it was too much. So the blonde started a bath tub, making sure it was ice cold so that it would help stop his heart. Maybe this would be his escape, his one chance to go somewhere where he would not be rejected. He looked at the pills and counted them. There seemed to be around 40, and it was just enough to kill him. He prayed the nine tails would let him die, and seeing how the Kyuubi reacted to his plan he was sure the beast would let him die. The blonde took off all his clothes and hopped into the tub. He popped the pills into his mouth, swallowing them dry as he wanted to take up little time. He knew Kakashi would come looking for him, and he needed to be dead by then. So he waited for what was to come. He waited for his death, and all he could think about was the rejections he had faced. 3 major rejections that caused him to do this. He smiled as he wanted to die happy. His body slumped into the tub, his face soon getting covered by water. This was it, his last rejection. The final rejection.

The blonde was found hours after he had taken the pills, and it was too late. Not even Sakura could do anything, and she had accomplished more then Tsunade. Kakashi was enraged. He would live his life with this guilt. The guilt of not telling Naruto how he felt. The older male had missed his chance all because he wanted to follow rules. Damn him! Had Obito taught him nothing? Rin as well! He was stupid for following the rules and not his heart, and now he would suffer forever. But he couldn't bear to suffer. He would join Naruto. He would end his suffering. He had suffered his whole life first with Obito, then Rin, then his Sensei and his wife. But the last straw was Naruto. He was ready. And you know what? He was okay with this.

I legit had no idea where I was going with this one. I needed to update so here it is. I am doing another one-shot where it is abuse and is kakanaru so it's going in this book. Please do not jump to conclusions on that one. Please vote and comment. Bye everyone!

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