c h a p t e r 19

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The next day, we were supposed to have a treasure hunt. However, Jeremy managed to excuse me from the activity as I fell into the lake the previous day and had memory loss. He, being my partner, got excused out of the activity as well.

I didn't know if I was lucky or not. I managed to avoid a hectic activity, however, I was bored to death at the empty campsite, where the only (human) beings were Jeremy and I.

"Cupcakes, are you bored?" Jeremy asked when he saw me pacing around the place. I nodded.

"Let's play 21 questions," he suggested. "Okay," I agreed, glad to have something to take away my boredom.

"Who goes first?" I asked once we both took a sit on a nearby log.

"Ladies first," Jeremy replied with a weird accent, causing me to laugh. "You're not supposed to do it like that," I chuckled. I then imitated the accent that I see those gentlemen doing on those fancy shows.

Now, it was Jeremy's turn to laugh. "Are you sure you're doing it right? It sounds weird." "Yea, I'm sure, come repeat after me," I told him and we spent the next few minutes speaking in weird accents.

"Ok, so me first?" I asked and Jeremy nodded. I thought about it for awhile.

"If you were really hungry, really exhausted and really dirty, which would you do first? Eat, sleep, or shower?"

"Shower," he replied without hesitation.

"What is your ideal guy?" He asked.

You. My brain suddenly said.

I shook my head violently. "What's wrong?" Jeremy asked concerned. "Huh? Nothing. My ideal type uhh... Funny, cute, caring," I replied honestly.

"My turn. Would you prefer to be smart or happy?" I asked.

"Happy," Jeremy replied after thinking through my question for a moment.

"If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?"

"Umm... I would like to read people's minds," I answered.

"What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?" I asked Jeremy with a cheeky smile.

"When I was younger, I attended school and accidentally wet my pants during class," Jeremy said. I could see a light tinge of red on his face. My lips quirked up upon seeing his embarrassed face.

"Ok my turn," Jeremy announced, changing the topic. "What is one activity that you would really like to do?"

"Skydiving!" I replied excitedly. Jeremy's brows were raised upon hearing my answer. "You want to skydive?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded my head. "It seems fun," I told him.

We continued on and asked one another questions for the next hour.

"I'm hungry," I announced suddenly. "Me too," Jeremy confessed.

"Let's go find food," he suggested and I agreed.

In the end, we managed to find some crackers and settled on that.

"How's things going between you and Ari?" I asked in the midst of munching on a piece of cracker.

"We're fine I guess?" Jeremy replied a little uncertainly.

I quirked my brows at that. Why does he sound unsure?

"Is there something going on between you and Edward?" Jeremy then questioned.

I shook my head a little too quickly. "Nothing's going on."

"Are you sure? The last time I knew, you had a crush on him and now, all I've seen is you avoiding him," Jeremy stated.

"Yea, I just...I just don't like him that way anymore," I told him.

"Anyway, aren't you observant?" I teased him in an attempt to steer away the topic.

"Yea, I've always been observant, its part of my job," he replied.

"Oh, and I thought you paid special attention to me," I continued to tease, dramatically putting on a disappointed face.

"Am I rubbing off you?" Jeremy chuckled and I followed suit.

"I guess you are."

Jeremy ruffled my hair and pinched my nose. "You're cute," he said with a smile, causing my heart to pound harder.

"Are you blushing cupcakes?" Jeremy asked with a laugh and I shook my head vehemently. "Not a chance." And with that, I ran back to my own tent.

Inside, I tried to calm my beating heart. In an attempt to do so, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

When I was awoken by someone chanting my name repetitively, it was already getting dark outside. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and turned to look at the person who woke me up.

"Cupcakes, its time to leave the camp site," Jeremy told me.

I nodded and dragged myself up. After packing all my stuff into the luggage, Jeremy led me to a gathering point where a bus had arrived.

Some minutes later, we were on our way back to the school compound. I was seated beside Jeremy again and he was dozing off, his head resting on my shoulder.

Looking at his serene face, memories of the past few days flashed through my mind.

Him teasing me and how I enjoyed being around him.

My heart rate accelerating at his near proximity.

Have i fallen for the devil?

Hey guys! I'm sorry that I didn't update as often as I did in the past. I was busy with school nowadays and I promise to have a least a chapter uploaded a week.

Please do continue to support the story, I will appreciate it lots<3

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