c h a p t e r 29

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You know what they always say right? Time flies when you're having fun. It has been fun with Jeremy around. He never failed to cheer me up whenever I was feeling down. We made lots of progress, from being complete strangers to lovers.

In less than a week, the 100 days would be up and Jeremy would have to leave. I dare not imagine life without him. I have gotten so used to his presence that I never stopped to think of what life would be like without him around. This thought never failed to bring tears to my eyes at night.

The mark had long faded; it was a good thing that Jeremy was able to stay despite it. We both thought that he had to leave when the mark fades.

"Elle, have you been listening?" I jolted back to the present.

"Yea?" I answered absent-mindedly.

"Let's spend the last few days happily, I want to leave happy memories, not sad ones," Jeremy looked at me with an unidentifiable expression.

I nodded. Whenever I think of Jeremy in the future, I would want something to reminisce as well.

"What shall we do then?" I asked.

"Let's go outdoors," he suggested.


"The water's cold," I laughed as I wiped water away from my eyes and directed the hose with water spraying out towards Jeremy's face.

"It is," Jeremy remarked but nevertheless, continued chasing me while spraying water at me.

Moments later, we both ended up on the ground laughing our hearts off. I collapsed above Jeremy and laid in his warm arms as we both looked up at the blue sky.

No matter how far you are, we will always be under the same sky.

My heart clenched at this. I'm missing him already.

"Come on, let's dry you off. Wouldn't want to catch a cold," Jeremy said as he helped me up.

When we were both back in my room, Jeremy wrapped a towel around me and used another to dry off my wet hair.

His gentle actions brought this thoughts to my mind.

I wonder if he would be a good husband in the future.

What would we be like in the future? If we even had one...


<4 days left>

Jeremy stayed with me the entire day. We watched chick flicks–I kinda forced him to, cooked and cuddled.

"Can you give me the recipe for the dish you cooked just now?" I asked Jeremy who has his arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Do you like it?" His husky voice sent the tingles through me.

I nodded.

"Why don't I teach you tomorrow instead?" He asked and I turned back to look at him. "Really?"

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