Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
The Narrator.

A Few Days Later...

                         A few days had passed with little drama. Jacob and Ariel contacted each other quite frequently when they could. Jacob had pack work and Ariel had the work plus the torture she went through (that Jacob still had no idea about and wouldn't know about for a while), meaning that they didn't speak as much as they would have done if they were normal teenage werewolves or humans just starting to date.

But no normal werewolves really exist, do they? They never stay normal, at least.

Luckily, all of Ariel's major cuts and bruises had healed up before Jacob could notice them. Meeting, talking to and spending time with her mate had helped them heal faster. They were fine now, most could not be seen easily as they were hidden under the scraps of clothing she wore.

However, there was a small, minuscule problem going on one day...



I was sat down at my desk, doing some pack work whilst thinking about my wonderful mate Ariel when I got the message.

It was my head warrior and Delta Janet. She was a good female and showed excellent strategic methods of taking our enemies down. It was one of the reasons why I insisted that my father and his beta should appoint her as the head of the warriors.

"Yes, Janet? What is it?"

"Alpha, it's a rouge attack. Every warrior is ready to fight and the women and children are locked safely away in the safe house."

"Alright then. Thank you, Janet. I'll be there in a minute. Where are they?"

"They are along the northern border, Alpha. They seem to have come from the direction of the Faithland Pack, sir."

"Thank you, Janet."

Great. Rogues. I thought to myself.

We called them Rouges because it fits quite well with the title of their attacks. We call the attacks "Red Attacks," because there's always their blood spilled whenever we fight them. Of course, we always won the fight.


Faithland Pack?

Oh no.

That was Ariel's pack.

Oh no! If they came from that direction... Does that mean...

She has to be okay... Please, tell me that she's OK and is unharmed... Please, Moon Goddess, tell me that she's okay!

You see, when you're not fully mated you can't sense if they're hurt, you can only sense if they're alive... Or dead. With that thought in mind, I reached the battlefield within a short amount of time, Drew pressing me to go even faster so that he could kill the rogues that possibly hurt our mate.

Bloodthirsty, I shut everything out, the only thing I was focused on was destroying the creatures which tried to ruin my life so many times. Nothing else mattered, just their deaths. I killed two hundred and thirty-two of the four hundred they had and then my mixed gender and age wolves killed the rest. Obviously, we wouldn't kill all of them- for we would save them for interrogation.

Later on, when the battle ended (with our wolves being successful and only six faithful warriors dying), I wandered the bloody field.

The field was mainly a deep shade of red, the grass sprayed with blood like daisies littered the fields in spring and summer. Rotting corpses of humans and dirty-pawed wolves were piled as if they were fallen leaves in autumn.

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