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Cameron's POV

Flashback (age 6)..

"Daddy!" I shout, sprinting through the front door and throwing my bag on the floor. "You'll never guess what happened today!"

"What?" He calls from the living room, where he's sitting and reading something.

I ignore mommy who tells me to slow down, and sprint to the living room.

"Amber kept bothering me" I whine, climbing on the sofa next to him. "It was annoying."

He chuckles. "What did she do this time?"

"She tried to kiss me!" I shriek with wide eyes.

"Is that so bad coming from a pretty girl?"

"No! Girls have cooties. That's gross" I exclaim.

He laughs and rubs my head. "You say that now, son. One day it'll be a totally different predicament."

"What's a predicament?" I ask confused furrowing my eyebrows. "Ms. Sally hasn't taught me that."

He laughs. "You'll learn it. Run along now."

"Can I go to Jason's? His mommy is making noodles and they're really good."

He shrugs. "HEY MARY? CAN CAMERON GO TO JASON'S? APPARENTLY HE WAS INVITED TO DINNER!" He calls to mommy who yells back okay.

I'm out the door faster then light. I'm hungry.


"Guess what?" I yell excitedly, bursting through Jason's bedroom door.

He meets me half way and we do our special handshake. "What?"

"Amber tried to kiss me!"

His mouth falls open. "OH MY GOD!" He shrieks and I nod in agreement.

"I know."

"That's nasty."

"BOYS!" Jason's Mommy calls us, "DINNER'S READY!"

We sprint out the room and I beat him to the table, earning myself the first noodles. Yummy.

"Guess what!" Jason asks his mommy excitedly, as she heaps noddles on his plate. No fair. He got more than me.

"What?" She grins, sitting across from us and picking up a fork.

"A girl tried to give Cameron cooties today!"

She looks at me and laughs. "So she tried to kiss you, ay?"

"Yep" I grin with a mouth full of noodles and sauce. "It was icky."

"I can imagine."

"Hey" I change the subject, leaning over to grab a carrot from across the table. "Did mommy say I can stay here tonight? I'm gonna be lonely at home."

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