Girl Meets Make-Over

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Riley woke up early the next morning. To her surprise Maya was already awake. 'Maya? What are you doing up so early?' It was 8 a.m. and she knew her best friend well enough to know Maya would rather stay in bed for at least another hour. 'Well, I couldn't let you go on your date without some Maya-encouragement.' 'It is not a date!' Riley protested, but she laughed anyway. She was kind of grateful for her friend's early waking up. 'And what exactly is this ''Maya-encouragement''?' she asked curiously. 'I don't know. Honestly, I didn't even think I'd actually get up at this time of the day. So give me a minute to think of something.' Maya walked a few circles and then stopped. 'A-ha!' she said, although it was more shouting. 'I've got it!' Riley looked at her, waiting for an answer. 'I'm going to give you a complete make-over!' Maya exclaimed. She seemed very pleased with her brilliant idea. 'Thanks, Maya, but that isn't necessary. Like I said, this isn't a date. It's... a friendly meeting.' 'Yeah right', Maya snorted. 'Honey, let me tell you something. If a guy prepares a picnic for you and you alone, it's a date.' 'Is not!' 'Is too!' Maya grabbed Riley by her shoulder and pushed her friend in one of the chairs. 'Now sit still so I can decide what I'm going to do with your hair!' Maya said firmly. 'No! You're not going to do anything. For the last time, it's not a date! And even if it was, Lucas should accept me the way I am.' Maya shook her head. 'It doesn't work that way, Riles. I mean, you look nice and cute, but you have to add a little extra for today.' 'That's true', another voice said. It was Farkle. He entered the room. 'You've been here the whole time?' Riley asked with surprise in her voice. 'Yup.' 'Stalker', Maya fake-coughed. 'I've heard everything you girls said. And to be fair, Maya has a point.' 'I do? I mean, yeah, of course I do!' Maya restored herself quickly. 'Okay fine, you can give me a make-over. But no extreme hairdo's and certainly not too much make-up!' Riley couldn't help but feel a little bit excitement. This was going to be her first make-over. She closed her eyes and told herself to relax as her two friends got to work.

Thirty minutes later, Riley started to become nervous. 'Peaches, Farkle, are you guys almost done?' She didn't want to look like she put a whole make-up store on her face on her first date - even though it wasn't a date...or was it? 'Almost done', Maya said. When Riley was finally allowed to open up her eyes, she couldn't believe what she saw. 'Wow...' she said, looking at her reflection. Her long, wavy hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her cheeks were soft pink, just like her lips. The green flecks in her brown eyes sprung out because of the black eye-liner and mascara and a little bit of green eye shadow. After admiring herself in the mirror, she stood up and gave Maya a hug. Then, she walked over to Farkle and put her arms around him as well. 'Thank you guys so much! I didn't think I'd ever say this...but I actually look kind of nice.' 'Honey, that's not ''nice'', that's more like amazing!' Maya exclaimed, looking proudly at her friend. Farkle didn't say anything. He just stood there in awe. 'Now all I need is a nice outfit', Riley said. Maya picked something out for her. It was a plain white top, a red skirt and a denim jacket. Riley didn't really like the combination at first, but when she put it on, she had to admit it looked great. But then Lucas walked in. Maya made a mad dash for the door, where Lucas was standing. She tried to push him out, but he didn't let her. '' he asked. He finally gave up and Maya shoved him out of the room. 'You're not supposed to see the bride until the wedding, that's why!' she shouted and slammed the door. She turned around. 'Close call', she said, panting. 'Maya!' Riley exclaimed. 'What, Riles?' Maya asked sweetly. '''You're not supposed to see the bride until the wedding''', Riley imitated her friend. 'Oh yeah... Totally forgot about that. But now that you mention it, we have to find something borrowed and something blue...' Maya said, looking around the room. 'Maya!' Riley said again. 'I'm not marrying Lucas!' Suddenly Maya put on a sad face. 'What? Why not?' Riley rolled her eyes. 'I'm sorry', Maya said, 'I'm just messing with you.' 'Well, could you not? I'm really nervous with you saying those things.' 'Okay, okay, I'm sorry, Riles. It won't happen again... The bride's wish is my command', she said, trying to hold back her laughter. 'Ha ha, very funny', Riley said. But when she saw Farkle laughing as well, she joined them. She had to admit, the look that had been on Lucas face was priceless. 'Back to business', she said after a while. Riley, Maya and Farkle looked each other in the eye and started laughing again. They didn't stop for another five minutes. ' stomach hurts', Maya moaned, while still laughing. 'Can't...stop...laughing', Farkle tried to say. When they finally fell silent, Riley looked at the clock. 'I'd better go look for Lucas', she said, feeling nervous all over again. 'Good luck, Riles', Maya said. 'And don't worry too much. Just be yourself. Besides, you've hung out with him plenty of times, so this won't be that much different.' 'You're right', Riley said, while taking a deep breath. 'Have fun', Maya called after her as she saw her friend leave. Riley searched for Lucas. Calm down, she told herself. Maya's right. I've hung out with him so many times and this isn't different from any other time. But deep inside she knew it was. She bumped into him in the hallway. 'Hi', she said. 'Hi', he replied. A smile slowly started spreading on his face. Riley knew they both thought about the time they first met each other on the subway. 'I'm Lucas.' After a moment of silence, Riley finally said: 'I love it.' And after those words, they took off.

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you liked it. I know it isn't exactly the same conversation as the one they had in the first episode of Girl Meets World, but it's similar to it. Next chapter will be about the date and about what the rest of the group is doing. I hope to update soon! Again thanks for reading and a special thank you to those who voted on the previous chapters :)


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