Chapter 14: Haunted

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We got ready before 7 am in our new clothes that Jyp and apparently Yugyeom got us. I have to say, I'm in love with the color of mine. I have to thank Yugyeom for that. He knows how much I hate the color orange. He hasn't forgotten the little details about me even if his mind is focused primarily on Got7 and keeping up with school.

We all went to the elevator excited for what the day had in store for us. Em pushed the main floor button and the elevator soon started lowering to our destination.

Then all of a sudden the lights started flickering more and more until they all shut off at once.

"Um, guys?" I ask. My voice was shakey. I can't stand the dark.
I reach over to Lana who was right next to me originally when we entered the elevator. Her clothes felt baggier than the jacket we all had on. "Lana?"

"Yeah?" She answers. Only the voice sounded much farther than me than it should've.

"Ray? Jess? Em?"

"Yeah?" They all answer. They were in front of me. Not next to me.

"If you guys are over there..then..who is-" Suddenly the lights flicker again. Only this time they had a green glow to them. Then the lights somewhat stablilize enough to kind of see around us. I turn around to see who I was touching but it wasn't anyone that originally entered the elevator with us.

Next to me was a pale girl in a white nightgown with her long, messy hair draped over her face. I stood there frozen. We all did, just staring at the intruder. I couldn't even breathe. It stood there with its head down for another second before it finally turned its head slightly towards me. That's when I realized I still had my hand on her arm. I immediately dropped it and pushed myself to the corner of the elevator.

Her breathing started getting more audible and she turned her whole body towards me now. I couldn't push myself any further back. She leaned towards me a little more and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Naturally, all of us repeated this action. I sunk down in fear and put my hands over my head. We were all still screaming when the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

We all sprinted for our lives as soon as we saw our opportunity for escape. I don't think I've ever ran any faster in my life and I don't run. Never could and never will. If my gym teacher saw me at that moment, she'd be so proud.
The doors closed behind us as we came out, trapping that..thing inside the elevator. All of us were breathing heavily as if we just ran a marathon.

"Hey, this isn't the lobby, guys," Jesse snaps us back into our senses. I look up. She was right. We were on some floor with a long corridor and hardly any windows.

"We have to get back to the lobby," Em says as she goes back to press the elevator button.

Lana slaps her hand before she could though. "Are you crazy? That thing could still be in there! I'm not going up that thing!"

"Then how are we going to get out of here?" Em asks.

I look around and see the softly lit staircase sign. "You gotta go old school. There's this thing called stairs guys."

We laugh and start heading towards the door leading to the stairs. Locked.

"What!?" I shout. "What if there's a fire one day? How will anyone get out?"

"Sungjee!" Ray turns me around. "Forget the fire precautions! We're trapped down here!"

"Calm down guys!" Jesse pulls out her phone. "Sungjee, screw the stairs and being old school. We have technology." Her face goes blank. "Haha, and that would be useful if we had any signal."

We all whip out our phones to face this dark cruelty. Nothing worse than no signal.

Em puts her face in her hands. "Ugh, what do we do then?"

"Okay let's not freak out." Ray calms us down. "We just have to find a different solution now come on." She goes over by one of the tiny windows and gets up on the table to look out of it. "Okay, we are in the basement of the building. You can see the sidewalk from the window so the lobby is right above us. And look!" She points to a table on the other side of the room. "Flashlights. People obviously know its dark down here so they provide flashlights so whoever comes can see down here."

We each grab a flashlight from the table and flick them on. Things got slightly better to see.

"Now let's go. Maybe we can find something down here that's helpful." Ray leads us down the corridor flashing her light everywhere for any indication of help. "Oh! There's a fire escape map!"

I give her a sarcastic look and mock her voice. "Now's not the time for fire precautions. Well look what came in handy now!"

"Okay okay sorry." She points her flashlight in the direction of the map. "Now, there's another staircase that the other end of the basement. We just have to go through a bunch hallways to find it."

She starts leading us down the first long hallway and less and less windows start to be present. Things slowly dimmed down until the hallways were finally completely dark. We couldn't even find a light switch.

I sort of felt better since we had flashlights but just my luck. Mine died. The light gave out and i was left with a lifeless piece of plastic and wires. I hold on to Lana and throw the flashlight away from us. I needed free hands just in case I had to throw down some major butt kicking moves.
"Ring around the rosy. A pocket full of poesies." The song starts playing around us in the voice of a little kid which made it even creepier. "Ashes ashes we all fall DOWN." The voice screams at the end.

Again, we all screamed in response and started running faster. Did that ghost in the elevator lead us to its dungeon or something?

The song stopped so we slowed down a little. Ahead of us though the doors along the hallway started dramatically opening and closing. The wind from the doors was blowing past us and left a scent in the air. It smelled like roses. Weird. Then laughing noises from the little kid from before were heard through the hallway. We charged through the wind and kept speed walking when all the doors slammed shut at once. All except for one.

We looked in the room. Ray shined her flashlight into the room and we saw that it just had a table and a rocking chair. No one was in there though. Yet, the chair was constantly rocking. Then the table started moving towards the door, quicker and quicker and quicker until the door shut before it could hit us.

That was the last straw. We all lost it. We started sprinting in a screaming fit through the hallways, making our way through as best as we could. We finally found the door that said stairs on it but just as we did, all of the rest of the flashlights died. The anxiety was real. The laughs behind us were getting louder and we could hear the doors continue to open and slam closed. We opened the stair door and starting vigorously running up the stairs. Ray opened the door at the top and we all tripped over each other. We were all on top of one another screaming. I thought we were done for.

We all were either screaming while covering our eyes or covering our ears. I take my hands off my eyes, wondering why the thing hasn't gotten us yet. Instead of facing the creepy girl ghost, I'm facing a giant cast with lights and cameras everywhere. We finally reached the lobby.

The rest of us stooped screaming and look up at the people in front of us. A man steps forward and presents himself to us. "Hello ladies. Hope you enjoyed the trip here. I'm your manager, Lee Showmin. And this was the first episode of your new reality show."

When We Were Young// Yugyeom •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now