I've never worn boys underwear

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Lots of these chapters start with underwear. 😆
😔 I need time to right some more chapters. I've only got about 15 chapters in store. I will update tomorrow. Maybe even tonight. 😝 Enjoy my petals!

Where the hell am I?! Oh right, I fell asleep at Charlie's. Wait, I fell asleep at Charlie's! I quickly check under the covers to see if all my clothes are on. The only items missing are my boots. Few. Suddenly, a loud bang from the lounge makes me jump. I run out of Charlie's room, down the hall and into the living room. On the floor, is Charlie tied up in blankets.
"Oh, hey." He says casually.
"Hey. What are you doing down there?"
"I'm taking a nap." He says sarcastically.
I roll my eyes, then set off to find some water. Once I have my drink, I come back to find Charlie, desperately trying to untangle himself.
"Here, let me help."
I bend down, and try to undo the mass of blankets. But I trip, and fall onto him.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes. You can." I say leaning in, and kissing him full on the lips.
After that, I decide I'm hungry. For food, by the way, not kisses.
"Charlie, I'm hungry. Can we have pancakes?" I ask, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Ok. Whatever the lady wants"
"The lady also wants another kiss." I say cheekily.
He gives me a quick kiss, but ends it too quickly for my liking.
Charlie makes pancakes, and I chop some strawberries up for toppings.
I pour some orange juice for both of us, then settle down at the table. Charlie gives us each a pancake. The mouthwatering smell fills my nose. Mmmm. I'm just about to drink my juice, when I see a spider at the other end of the room. I scream, and spill the juice all down my front. I also made Charlie scream.
"Man, you scared the life out of me." He says.
"Sorry. But there's a spider over there. Please get rid of it."
After the spider is disposed of, Charlie notices I'm soaked in juice.
"Charlie, I'm all sticky." I whine.
"Ok, you take a shower, and I'll find you something to wear."
I wander down to the bathroom, and strip down. I jump into the shower, and relax as the warm water refreshes me. I get out, and wrap myself in a towel. Just as I'm finished tying a towel around my hair, Charlie knocks on the door. I unlock it, and he passes the clothes through the gap.
"Here you go. Sorry these are gonna be really big on you." He says.
I examine the clothes. A pair of checked p.j. pants with adjustable cords, and a simple grey blue shirt.
I rummage through the pile of my clothes to find my underwear. Oh great(!) it's all soaked!
"Chaaaarrrrlllieee?" I call out.
"My underwear got wet too." I say shyly.
"Oh. I errr... I guess you could wear my underwear." He says equally as shy.
"Ermm... Yes please."
I've never worn boys' underwear before. This should be interesting.
Charlie passes through a pair of plain white boxers.
"Thanks." I say.
"No problemo."
I slide on the boxers hesitantly. Oh wow! These are so comfy! I was not expecting that! I put on the rest of the clothes, then awkwardly exit the bathroom.
"I have to say. Boxers are dam right comfortable!" I say happily.
Charlie turns to look at me. His eyes widen.
"Wow, you look hot!" He says. He then starts blushing insanely.
"Oops. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud."
I start laughing.
His face relaxes after he knows I wasn't creeped out by what he said.
I give him a grin and a peck on the lips. He returns both. You know what? I'm gonna have to buy myself some of these boxers, cos dam are they comfy! We decide to watch a movie. A few minutes into the movie, and Im already confused.
"Charlie, I don't get it." I whine.
He turns to tell me. Half way through his explanation, his eyes drop. I look down, and realise a lot more of me is on show than I'd like it be.
"Charlie!" I scream, wrapping my arms around me.
"Sorry. It's just, you know."
I frown, and sit with a pillow protectively over my chest.
"I thought you were going to throw that at me for a minute."
"Well, I just might do, now you've given me ideas." I say, picking up the pillow.
He jumps up, and runs out of the room. I tear after him as fast as I can in too big p.j. pants. I manage to trap him behind the table. I throw the pillow at him, and he throws it straight back. We start having a pillow fight. By the end, we're both tired and hungry. We have some pasta for our lunch. Soon after, I fall asleep in Charlie's strong arms.

Ok, well, that was quite fluffy. There is a milestone in the next chapter. ❤️❤️❤️

Marlie Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ