Strip truth or dare

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Thank you for guessing, so here's a shout-out to meghanslittlesist3r , megatron4lifejayleen , and @xo_mtrainor . Go follow them and read their stories! This chapter is really long!
⚠️Warning-adult themes⚠️
🅿️G 1️⃣3️⃣
Thanks petals! 💜💜💜

Charlie's POV

Strip truth or dare. That's right. Strip truth or dare. Only some of us know how to play poker, and it would take far too long to explain. (I have no idea how to play!😬😆.) Mikaela volunteers to go first, and I know she'll pick me as her first victim.
I knew it.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth." I say, thinking I've chosen the safer option.
"When did you swipe Meghan's 'V' card?"
The others gasp at her daringness.
"How do you know we've slept together?" I ask pretentiously.
"Oh please, Charlie. I watch the news. Anyway, when did you swipe it?"
I turn to look at Meghan, who has now gone bright red. She gives me a smile, which gives me permission to answer my bat crap crazy sister's question.
"After we'd been dating for 5 months. It was like... A few weeks after Meg hit me with a frying pan."
"I still feel guilty about that!" Meghan chimes in.
"I know you do, Babe." I say, turning to kiss her.
"PDA!" Emmy says.
"Oh, shut up. You dared me to snog him for five whole minutes! I can kiss him all I want." Meghan retorts.
"Right, Stephen, I dare you to let Emmy style your hair however she wants."
"That's cruel!"
"Do you wanna forfeit? Cos you'll lose an item of clothing if you do.
"Yes, I do! But only because she'll enjoy styling my hair far too much." He says, turning to look at his girlfriend, who is giving him such a broad smile, that she now looks deranged.
"Shoes and socks count as one item." Ryan says, causing Stephen to glare at him.
I think Ryan has finally come round to my relationship with Meghan, and has stopped hating me. A little... Stephen removes his shoes and socks, staring at us the whole time.
"Charlie, truth or dare?" He says, clearly planning revenge.
I wonder what he has in store.
"Well, big bro. I dare you to kiss Ryan." My shirt comes off faster than I thought possible. Everybody starts laughing.
"Stephen, truth or dare?"
"Truth." He responds quickly.
"When did you first sleep with Emmy?"
"At Meghan's party." He rallies back.
"Ok, bros, not that this isn't fascinating, but you know we're playing too!" Mikaela says, switching her gaze between the two of us.
"Alright. Sorry. Meghan, truth or dare?" Stephen asks, turning to the beauty that is my girlfriend.
"Dare." She replies, raising her eyebrows, as if she were saying 'do your worst.'
"I dare you to lick whipped cream of Charlie's chest."
Wait, what?
"Oh, that'll just be pure torture for Charlie." Emmy says giggling.
"Yeah, almost as if your still daring him Stephen." Mikaela says in a warning tone. "But, hey. We're gonna get to see Charlie being tortured, so, I'm not complaining."
Meghan has gone even redder than before. I imagine I'm about the same shade.
"I'll go get the whipped cream!" Emmy squeals.
She returns with the can, which I stare at with horror.
"Lie down." She instructs, before handing the can to Meghan, who squirts the cream all over my chest.
"I'll try and make this as least... Sufferable for you as possible." She whispers seductively in my ear.
She kneels at my side, and begins to lick the white coloured substance of my chest. It tickles, but because it's Meghan who's doing it, it makes me feel all buzzy as well. I'm not really sure what I mean by that. I guess I feel pumped with adrenaline. Within about a minute, Meghan has lapped up all the cream. I sit up, and am met with her lips. She darts her tongue into my mouth, making me sigh.
"You taste like cream." I mumble against her lips.
"Well, duh. I did just eat like, half a can."
We break apart, and Meghan snuggles into my side.
About half an hour later, and Ryan has snogged my baby sister. Now it's my turn to kill him. Emmy has kissed Meghan, Justin has worn Meghan's p.j.s, Mikaela has lost her dress, Meghan and Justin have lost their shirts. (I may have wolf whistled when Megan's came off...) Stephen has lost his dignity, and Emmy has lost her pants.
"Charlie, I dare you to prank call dominos." Justin says gleefully.
"No, that's cruel. They all work so hard."
"Oh, we all know that's not why you won't phone them. It's because you always order pizza, you're worried they'll recognise your voice." Mikaela says, giving me a smile that is so much like my own.
"Dumbass." I mumble under my breath. "I forfeit." I state regretfully.
"Pants off bro!" Stephen says.
"How many beers have you had?"
"Same as Emmy."
"Yeah, and she's lost it." I say, pointing to the girl dancing along to 'man, I feel like a woman' in the background with a whipped cream beard.
"Still, you have to take them off."
I roll my eyes, but remove my trousers anyhow. I then grab Meghan, and place her in my lap. Another half hour later, and almost everyone has lost their dignity. Well, I have. Stephen is stark naked, after refusing to kiss Justin, and has had to use my idea of using his girlfriend as a curtain.
"Meghan, I dare you to do it with Charlie with the door open!" An excruciatingly drunk Emmy shrieks.
"No way! I forfeit." Meghan says. "Charlie, you're gonna have to hide me." She says.
She turns round to face me, wrapping her legs around me like a koala. She removes her bra, then buries herself against me in shame.
We decide to call the game to an end, and finish the night by watching a movie.

Well, that was cringe worthy... Meghan decided to spice things up. 😏

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