Happily ever after

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Meghan's POV

Enjoy my petals! 💜💜💜

I show up at the beach, and find Charlie's car in the car park. I park my car next to it, and go over to the door. Charlie's sitting in the driver seat, looking up at me.
"Hop in."
"What about my car?" I say, turning to look at my car.
"Leave it here. We'll come back for it."
I walk around the front of the car, and hop in, as Charlie said.
"So, how are you enjoying the treasure hunt?"
"It's really fun. Kinda sad it's ended though." I say, glancing from my lap to him.
"It's not over. You still haven't found the treasure."
"I thought that's where we were going..." I say in a questioning tone.
"Oh, we are. But, you have still gotta find it."
"Ok, I can do that. I can find the treasure. What ever it is..."
We drive for another ten minutes, then pull up in a park. It's not like a kiddy park with swings, and slides, it's absolutely beautiful. It's the sort of place you would go for a romantic stroll in winter, warm coats wrapped up to your nose. The sort of place that might be featured in a Disney movie, and they all end happily. Happily ever after.
"Oh, wow. This is incredible. How come we've never been here before?"
"Mikaela told me about it. She went here for a party when she was younger. She remembers every detail from it. I thought it would be nice to bring you here. To a place that you'll never forget." He says grinning broadly.
I smile warmly at him.
"I love that look you get in your eyes when your excited about something."
"What look?"
"They go all shiny. Like stars. Like they hold the universe."
He's got such a beautiful way with words. Well, he is a singer songwriter. I stand on my tippy toes, and kiss him on the lips.
"What did I do to deserve you?" I ask quietly.
"You don't know how many times I ask myself that question. Anyway, I've git something to show you." He says, then takes my hand, and leads me to the lake ahead. When we get closer, I make out a boat on the water. Not like a dingy, but a house boat. Fairy lights adorn it from one end to the other. It's a gorgeous shade of midnight blue, white dots splayed across it like stars.
"Come on." Charlie says from the boat.
I was so mesmerised by the beauty of it.
"Did you buy this?"
"Rented. What am I gonna do with a boat?" He asks through a chuckle. "Come in." He says, giving me his hand.
I take it, and climb aboard.

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