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All these treasure hunt ones will be in Meghan's POV. Enjoy my lovely petals! ❤️❤️❤️

Meghan's POV

I find another sock, pull it on, along with some shoes. I grab my car keys, house keys, my phone, and purse, then run out the door. I go down in the elevator, listening to the cheery music as I go. As soon as the doors open, I slide through them. I walk at a normal pace to the carpark, then jump into my car. While I drive, I wonder what Charlie has in store for me. I guessed this was a treasure hunt after he mentioned pizza express. I pull up out side said pizza place, and walk up to it. Just then, my phone bleeps.

Charlie😍: Hey baby girl. Go in and order your favourite drink. After its drunk, look in the bottom for the thing that sunk.

I go inside, and order a lime and soda (I have no idea if she likes this.) I down the drink pretty quickly, desperate to know what's at the bottom, but also not too quickly, so as not to choke on the item. A small tube a appears. I fish it out, then open it. Inside, is another letter.

Meg, where did I ask you to be my girlfriend? Go investigate. That place is just around the bend.

Well, I guess I'm going to the beach.

What did you all think? Do you like the treasure hunt? Believe me, it is going somewhere important. 😆😆😆

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