Im gonna give this pizza a good time

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Ok, this chapter is really long. Over 1000 words! Easily the longest chapter so far. The next chapter is the party chapter! Enjoy my petals! 💛💛💛

Charlie's POV

It's been a few weeks since I started dating Meghan, and those have been the best few weeks of my life!
Meghan stayed over last night. Our siblings came over and met each other, and Meghan fell asleep on the couch. So she stayed here again.
"Hey Charlie, you're out of tea bags!" She yells from the kitchen.
"Are you sure? Check on the shelf."
"Charlie, I can't reach the shelf."
"Oh. Don't worry I'll get it." I say, remembering Meghan is about 6 inches shorter than me. I reach up to the shelf. I feel my shirt slide up too.
I jump down, and see Meghan scanning me up and down.
"You checking me out?"
"Huh? What? Oh, don't act like you don't do it to me." She says in defence.
I shrug.
"Well, I'm allowed to do that, aren't I?" She asks.
"Of course you are. In fact, it makes me feel special."
She giggles, and kisses me on the cheek. She wanders off down the hall way.
"Hey, where're you going?"
"I'm going to put a towel on, and put my stuff in the washing machine."
"Oh ok."
She continues to walk away.
"Wait. You don't suppose you could trade the towel for my clothes again, do you?" I ask cheekily.
A huge grin spreads across her face. She runs into my room, no doubt to choose an outfit. Ten minutes later, Meghan comes through wearing, a pair of blue p.j. shorts, and a light grey p.j. top. Her dirty clothes clutched in her hand.
"Can I wash these now?"
"Yeah sure. I'll do it if you want." I offer.
"No, it's ok."
After, she comes back, and plops herself down next to me.
Soon, we end up in a full make out session on the couch. Meghan's hands are on my shoulders to support her weight, and my hands are resting on her hips. As the kisses get more rough and desperate, the p.j. shorts Meghan is wearing, slide down a bit. I feel two layers of underwear.
"Meghan, are you wearing my underpants over yours?"
"Yeah. I am. You got a problem with that?" She whispers seductively in my ear.
"No!" I say quickly.
"It's hot."
She giggles, and starts kissing me again. Her kisses trail down my collarbone, and across to my shoulder. Then I do the same to her.
Somewhere along the way, Meghan decided my shirt was getting in the way. I am now only in p.j. Shorts similar to hers. We continue to kiss. Honestly, I don't know how I manage it, but I choke on Meghan's tongue.
"Oh my god, Charlie are you ok?"
"Yep, I'm fine." I say breathlessly.
"I didn't know French kissing could be so dangerous." She jokes.
"Not that I'm not enjoying this, but I think I need to recover."
"Yeah, that might be wise."
While I recover, we watch a couple of episodes of friends.
"Hey Meghan."
"Mmmm?" She answers, not taking her eyes off the TV.
"We've only been dating a few weeks, but I've known you for like, I don't know, just over a year? So we're moving quite fast. Since we know each other really well. But we're not moving too fast for you, are we?" I ask.
"No. I like the speed we're going. We didn't have to do all the getting to know each other crap, we just went straight to the juicy stuff." She teases.
I chuckle at her, and she giggles a bit.
"It is kinda weird though, going from friends to this."
"Yeah, but, to be honest, the first time I met you, I wanted more than friendship." I almost whisper.
"Well, I kinda had a crush on you when I met you. I really like you Charlie."
Wow, I'm surprised she heard what I said.
Wait, Meghan just said she had a crush on me. Meghan flipping Trainor had a crush on ME! I don't really know what to say. So I don't say anything. I decide to burst into song.
"ι really, really, really, really, really, really lιĸe yoυ!" I sing.
Meghan looks at me. Then starts laughing hysterically.
"Well, ι really, really, really, really, really, really lιĸe yoυ too!" She says excitedly.
After our little singing session, we watch the fourth twilight movie.
"Charlie, I'm hungry." Meghan moans.
"Well, how about these pita bread pizzas I made last week. They're really nice."
Meghan's eyes light up when I say the magic word.
"Yes please! I'm always willing to eat pizza!"
I laugh at her enthusiasm, then head into the kitchen to find the ingredients for the pita pizzas.
After about an hour, Meghan has had three packets of prawn cocktail crisps, and two bars of chocolate.
"Meghan, how are you gonna eat a pita pizza after you've eaten all that?" I ask.
"Hey, I always have room for pizza."
I chuckle as I place her plate in front of her.
"I'm gonna give this pizza a good time."
"Lucky pizza." I mumble.
"Hey, you've had your turn." She teases.
"I didn't think you'd hear that."
"Oh my god, Charlie! These are so good! You have to give me the recipe!"
"Ok. I'm glad you like them. Hold on one second." I say as I get up to search the bookshelf.
I come back to the table.
"I got the recipe!" I declare.
"ι goт тнe recιpe, and ιт'ѕ called вlacĸ мagιc." Meghan starts singing.
"We're having a very musical day, aren't we?"
"Yeah. It does seem that way." She agrees.
"Well, maybe later, we can 'Marvin Gaye and get it on.'" I joke.
This earns me a slap on the arm.
"Hey, I was kidding."
"Sorry. I'm gonna be a bit crazy for the next few days. I have some kind of bug. Don't worry. The doctor says it's not contagious. She says after seeing my worried expression.
"Well, I gotta treat you like a lady, even when you're acting crazy, and I gotta tell you everything's alright." I say, quoting lines from her song.
She giggles, then reaches for her glass of water.
"Plus, I know not to annoy you, cos when my sister had one of bugs, I think I was about... 14? Yeah, 14. I kept asking her if she knew where the rest of the fruit salad was, and she kinda threw a book at me, and knocked me out."
Meghan spits out her water in a fit of giggles.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I'll get some paper to clear that up."
"Don't worry, I'll do it. It was my fault anyway for making you laugh." I say. It kinda is her fault, but I want her to sit back and relax.
"You have a strange system for working out who's to blame."
I grab some kitchen roll, and despite my protest, Meghan starts helping me clear up.
"Hey Charlie?"
"What would you say to a big sleepover party? Where our siblings come?" She asks.
"I would say that's a great idea."
"Although, of course my youngest brother won't be able to come, so I'll bring Emmy. Plus, then they'll be three of each gender. Where and when do you want to do it?" She asks excitedly.
"Well, my apartment is slightly smaller, since l live on my own, so at your apartment on the 4th?"
"Yeah, great. I'll go call everyone! Although, do you suppose you can call the guys? Both our brothers." She asks.
"Yeah sure."
So I do as she says.
Meghan and my little sister, Mikaela get on really well. They met just before I featured in Meghan's song. That've been great friends ever since.
"They all said yes!" Meghan squeals.
"Same here. So do you think we should start planning? I mean we've only got a week."
So we start planning.

Most of my chapters have been in Meghan's POV, but this long one in Charlie's makes up for it. Will update tomorrow. 😊

Marlie Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora