Meghan elizabeth trainor, will you do me the honour?

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Oh my god! Is it what I think it is? Is it? Read, and find out.
*Evil laugh*

Meghan's POV

I can't wait for tonight! This is mine and Charlie's 3rd date! I have no idea where he's taking me.
Today, I've had some peace and quiet, since Emmy has gone to a movie premier. Ooo, it's 18:00. I have to go outside. I go down to street level, and wait for Charlie. Soon, he pulls up. He gets out of his car with his shades covering his eyes. He opens the passenger door for me.
"Madam." He says, doing an over dramatic bow.
I giggle, and get into the car. He joins me on the other side. He removes his shades, and chucks them into the glove compartment.
"And he scores!" He yells.
"That is a serious innuendo." I say.
He starts blushing as he remembers his words.
"Well, in your song, it says your future husband can't have a dirty mind. Does that apply to you, or just me?" He asks.
"Hey, I make the rules, and I bend them."
He laughs, then starts cursing.
"Sorry for that. I kinda missed the exit." He says.
"Oh, that's ok. As long as we get there, and there's food, I don't care." I say grinning at him.
He returns the grin, and turns the car around.
"Oh my god!" I squeal as I realise we're stopping at the beach.
"Do you like it?"
"No." I say.
Charlie's face drops.
"I love it!"
He immediately perks up.
"Don't do that again." He says.
We get out of the car, and walk arm in arm to the beach.
As we walk along, I see a faint glow.
As we get closer, the colours become clear. Blues, pinks, oranges, and greens, shine all around, and lead us to a table with a white canopy over-head. The table has a red, gingham picnic blanket, spread over it, two plates of food covered over, and a bottle of wine.
"Oh my gosh, Charlie! I'm not gonna ask the question 'did you do this?' Cos it's obvious you did! It's amazing! But I am gonna ask, why? And how?"
"How? A couple of days of telling you I was going out to the gym, and that's why I couldn't come round, or vise-versa. And why? Because, you're a special lady, and special ladies deserve a special evening."
Awwww he's so thoughtful.
I get on my tip toes, and kiss him on the noes. He pulls my chair out.
"Why thank you Monsieur Charlie."
"My pleasure mademoiselle Meghan."
Charlie rips the covers off the food, revealing, posh pizza!
"Ta da." He says, before sitting down opposite me.
"Pizza! Oh no wait. Classy pizza!"
"I made it myself."
"Oh my god. You did? Awww, you're so wonderful. If I knew you were gonna be this good as a boyfriend, I woulda gone out with you ages ago!" I say.
He grins at me, then reaches over the table to the wine.
"Wine madam?"
"Speaking French here, are we?" I ask.
"Yeah, but that's about all I know."
"Well, you're better than me. All I know is expressions like. 'Bof!'" I say.
Charlie grins his cute, little grin.
"Anyway, yes please I would like some wine."
He pours us both a glass. We clink the glasses together, drink up, then dig into the pizza.
"Oh my god, Charlie! This is amazing! Although you have made the mistake of revealing your pizza cooking skills. You're gonna have to cook me pizza all the time now."
"Oh great(!)" He says sarcastically.
After we've finished our glasses of wine, Charlie pours me another glass.
"Meg, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course you can. You don't need to ask permission." I say.
He gets down on one knee.
What the fudge!?!?!
And pulls a ring box out of his pocket.
"Meghan Elizabeth Trainor, will you do me the honer, of becoming my girlfriend?" He asks as he opens the box, revealing a little ring that says 'pizza' on it.
"Oh my god. Yes!"
He gets up, and we share a quick kiss.
"For a second there I thought you were actually preposing."
"Well, I know we're moving quite fast, but not THAT fast." He jokes.
After we finish up, Charlie drives me home. He only had one glass of wine for this reason.
"Thank you so much for this evening. It was absolutely amazing. Just like you."
"The pleasure is all mine. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks me.
"Of course. Farewell my lovely Prince Charming."
"Ditto, my fair princess."
I start laughing. He's just so cute!
I give him a quick kiss, then watch him walk away to the lift.

Sorry, that was a bit cliche.          💛💛💛

Marlie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora