Nobody give him a tennis racket!

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Right, this chapter is even longer. This is the party chapter.

Warning⚠️ Some adult humour. 😆

I wrote this book a while ago, so some important things, such as new songs, concerts, tours, the AMAs (oh my god! 😝🤗) so, yeah... Enjoy my petals! 💜💜💜

Meghan's POV
"Iiiii'm comin up so you better get this party started!" Emmy screams at the top of her lungs. Probably busting my eardrums. She is dancing round the kitchen, filling bowels with crisps and all sorts of crap.
'Ding dong'
"Charlie!" I scream excitedly as I open the door.
"Hey meg. Hey Emmy." He says, before pecking me in the lips.
"What kinda greeting do I get then?" Emmy asks cheekily from behind the wall.
Charlie looks confused for a moment. He looks so cute right now!
"Emmy!" I yell.
She runs off in a fit of giggles.
"Sorry about her. She had a couple of gummy worms a minute ago. I swear, she's like a toddler."
"Oh, that explains it. Same thing happened to me when I first tried coffee. Actually, that's why I kept bugging Mikaela. I was high on caffeine. So it's kinda my own fault I got knocked out."
I start laughing so hard I have to sit down.
"Oh, did Charlie tell you about the time that goose chased him around the petting zoo when he was 12, and it bit him on the bum!" Mikaela yells.
Charlie and I both jump in fright. Where the hell did she come from?!
I start laughing again.
"Hey, it's not funny! I couldn't sit down properly for weeks!" Charlie says.
He walks over to a giggling Mikaela, and slaps her round the back of the head.
"Ow Charlie! That hurt!"
"Serves you right for telling my GIRLFRIEND stories about me. Now, I think it's time I laughed at you. Anyone hear the story how Mikaela fell down the toilet? Stephen, help me out here!" Charlie says to his younger brother, who had just come through the door.
They explain to us how after a bath Mikaela fell into the toilet, since she was all wet. Thankfully, there was nothing in the toilet.
Emmy and I are on the floor laughing our heads off. Soon, Ryan, my older brother arrives.
"Hey Ryan. Got any good stories about Meghan you want to share with us?" Charlie asks.
I give him a death glare, and to this he blows me a kiss.
"Well, there was that one time..."
Ryan tells them how I exploded a smoothie, and got my dress stuck to the blender. I ended up in the kitchen in my underwear. Emmy decides we need some booze, so she goes into the fridge, and brings out beer and wine.Then Mikaela tells us how when Charlie was 13, and had recently started shaving, his shaving foam was such a temptation to two eleven year olds. So her and Stephen switched it for whipped cream. By this time, I can no longer breath. Finding out embarrassing stories about my boyfriend is so much fun! Not so much when the tables are turned. Ryan gives up my disney land story, on how I thought it was a great idea to try and smoke bubbles. I swallowed them, and was belching bubbles for hours. I was three for crying out loud! By this time, we've all had two beers, and finished off two bottles of wine. We're all quite drunk. We hear a couple about Stephen, including how Charlie emptied a pack of mini marshmallows in to Stephens diaper, and their parents thought he was pooping marshmallows, and I share a few about Ryan and Emmy. The last story we hear is how Charlie got a loose hook on his tennis racket stuck to his shirt and pants.
"-he gave himself a wedgie! Broke the elastic on his pants, so he only had his underpants on, and he pulled half his shirt over his head. So he was just running round the field, blinded might I add, yelling ' mommy help me! I can't see! Help me! Mommy, mommy Get it off!' And mom chased him round for ages, but he wouldn't stop running!" Mikaela shouts.
"Eventually, I decided to step in. I tripped him up, and he fell flat on his face!" Stephan adds.
Ok, I can't breathe anymore.
"What I wouldn't give to see that." I say.
"Oh, dad caught it all on tape. Come round and I'll show it to you." Mikaela says excitedly.
"Mikaela, I swear, you show her that, and I'll kill you."
"Alright, alright. Keep your pants on. No one give him a tennis racket!" She says.
We all start laughing again. Even Charlie laughs a bit.
"Although since he gave himself a wedgie you should probably replace some of the letters in tennis." Mikaela whispers in mine and Emmy's ear.
"Oh my god Mikaela!" I yell.
"What? What she say?" Stephan demands. Emmy tells him. He starts laughing like a drunk hyena.
"What? What are you laughing about?" Charlie asks innocently.
"We ain't talking to you, we're talking about you!" Mikaela slurs.
Charlie frowns, and decides to flick her on the head.
"Ow! Meghan, Charlie flicked me!" She says, as if I was their mother, and would tell Charlie off. But you know, they kinda are acting like toddlers since they're quite drunk.
"Charlie, say sorry to Mikaela."
"I will if you tell me what she told you." He says.
"Charlie, honey, I don't think you want to know."
He grumbles, and pouts at me. Awwww he's so freaking cute! He turns to Mikaela.
"Sorry I flicked you."
"That's ok. I'm sorry I told your girlfriend all those stories." She says.
"It's ok. I love you dude!"
"I love you too man!"
Ok, they're really drunk. Ryan and Charlie are the least affected since they're two years older, and have had more practice at drinking. The rest of us, however, are only 21, and are drunk skunks!
"Right, I think it's time we played truth or dare!" Emmy squeals.
We all sit in a circle.
"Since it was my idea, it's my turn first. Who wants to dare me?"
"I'll dare you." Says Ryan.
"I dare you... To... Kiss Stephen!"
"Huh? Wait what now?" Stephen asks.
"You have to kiss Emmy!" I yell.
So Emmy moves over to him, and they quickly kiss. They quickly go back to their seats, and avoid eye contact while Emmy dares Mikaela. But after we get distracted, I see them looking at each other. Awww, my BFF has a crush. Can't wait to tease her about this!
"Meghan, I dare you... Toooo... Make out with Charlie for a whole minute!" Mikaela screams.
"What?! No! I can't kiss him while you guys are watching!" I protest.
"Why? We did on camera, and that's gonna be shown to the whole world in a few weeks." Charlie whispers so only I can hear.
I hate to admit, but he has a point.
"If you don't, you'll have to forfeit! What do we think the forfeit should be?" Mikaela asks the rest of the group.
They discuss it for a few seconds, leaving myself and Charlie wondering.
"You have to talk dirty to Charlie, loud enough so all of us can hear!"
"What!? I've never even talked dirty to Charlie, so only Charlie can hear, never mind in front of you lot! No, I'd much rather kiss him."
They look at us expectantly. 
"And you have to use tongues!" Emmy adds as Charlie and I scoot closer.
I put my arms around Charlie's neck, and he puts his hands on my hips. We close our eyes, and lean in. A few seconds into the kiss, the group are already chanting.
"Tongues. Tongues. Tongues!"
I give in, and open my mouth opening Charlie's with it. Soon, we are giving them what they asked for.
Emmy and Mikaela are fangirling, and Stephen is whooping.
"Marlie, Marlie, Marlie!" The girls cheer.
Aww they thought of a ship name for us.
"Ok, times up." Ryan says.
"Awww." The others drone.
Charlie and I break away, and smile at each other. I look over to Ryan,  who doesn't seem too impressed. Well, I guess watching his little sister make out with her boyfriend isn't really his cup o tea. I dare Ryan to flirt with Mikaela, and then he dares Charlie to sing I will survive with a helium ballon.
"I will survive! I will survive! For as long as I know how to live I know I'll stay alive!" He sings all squeaky.
There are a few more dares, but no truths.
"Emmy, on a scale of 1-10, how drunk would you say you were?" Stephen asks.
"Mikaela, what about you?"
"Sive? That's a number, isn't it?"
"I have no idea." Stephen answers.
"Charlie, how drunk do you think you are? Ha, forget about who do you think you are, how drunk do you think you are!" I say, and start laughing at my own not very funny joke.
I turn, and see Charlie talking in a helium voice to a painting.
"You see, a little bird said I needed to buy Meghan a pack of gummy pizza, or she'd never love me." He complains to the photo of a puppy.
Now, I don't know how drunk he is, but I think he might mean some of the things he's saying.
"Charlie?" I ask again, a little louder this time.
He turns around. He takes a sip of the helium ballon in his right hand, and raps his left arm around my back.
"Where can I buy a packet of gummy pizzas?" He asks all squeaky.
I take a sip of his helium ballon, and answer with, "You can buy them at the mall in gobstopper. What do I need to give you so you'll love me?" I ask in an equally squeaky voice.
"The key to your heart." He answers in a normal voice.
"Honey, you already have it." I say, and pull him in for a deep kiss.
"Whoop whoop! Marlie Marlie Marlie!"
Oh great(!) our little shippers have seen us. Charlie and I break away.
"Awwww! No! Go back to kissing!" A very excited and very drunk Mikaela shouts.
After a while, Charlie puts a movie on, and we all get so distracted, that we don't notice Emmy and Stephen sneaking off. It's only when I go over to Emmys room to look for her, I find her and Stephen making out on the bed.
"Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt anything."
I cover my eyes, and run out of the room.

This is probably inaccurate. I don't think Emmy and Stephen hooked up in real life. 😔😆 sis you enjoy the part with the tennis racket? Did ya?

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